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Aah - yes. I see that they have already added the new nurse to my surgical team for today. Throw her right into the fire and see if she can handle the heat.

I lean back in my leather chair and glance at the walls of my office. It's decorated with degrees and qualifications and photographs from the reality show I did a couple of years ago. They approached me because I am one of the best in the business. I have over twenty years of experience after all.

People love cosmetic surgery shows. The before and after pics are always the biggest hit. I guess everyone wants to be a better version of themselves. That show rocketed to the top so quickly after filming. It was a whirlwind of chaos and excitement, and my business skyrocketed since then as well. The show made me billions, during and after. It's not that I needed the money. I was already thriving in the industry.

I am fully aware that it is my skill as a plastic surgeon that holds the key to my fortune. I strive to be the best and nothing else is acceptable.

I expect the same from the people I work with.

Unfortunately, the world is full of incompetent people, and I have to deal with them daily.

I drink the last of my coffee and throw my white coat on over my suit. I will not need to be in scrubs until we actually enter the op room. I prefer to visit my patients in my suit pre-surgery. Appearance is important. I head through to the hospital rooms to check on the nurses prepping my first patient.

"Mrs. Malhone. You are looking lovely this morning." I smile at my patient, as the nurses fuss around her. She looks nervous and excited as they usually do. Turning to the nurse attending her charts I say, "Please give me the report of her - "The nurse looks up at me and her caramel brown eyes stop my thoughts dead in their track. It is the beautiful girl I met outside my apartment last night. My new neighbor. Her chestnut hair is neatly braided away from her face and her rosy lips are curved into a smile. "Good morning, Dr. Lennox." She says professionally with no mention of our interaction the night before. She is drop-dead gorgeous. Even in the blue scrubs she is wearing, I can see her curves and her plump breasts. My eyes run up and down her body. "You are the new surgical nurse?" I say unable to hide the surprise in my voice. She smiles again and nods her head to the side then immediately dives into work. She runs through the patient's chart with me, going over all of her readings. While she is talking, I realize I have not taken my eyes off her lips. She looks up at me again, waiting for me to respond. "Thank you, Emma," I say, taking the folder from her knowing I am going to have to read through it myself as I had not listened properly which is very unusual of me.

"Mrs. Malhone, everything is looking great. I will see you in the operating room. These lovely ladies are going to get you ready in just a moment. Try to relax. Take a few deep breaths and soon it will all be over."

I walk out of the room with Emma's curves on my mind. The vision of her brown eyes looking up at me. She is strikingly beautiful. I know I have a rule that women from the hospital are off limits, apart from some harmless flirting here and there, but she immediately makes me want to break that rule. I want to feel her against my body. It is a ridiculous thought though. Why would I risk my career for someone I'm lusting for?

I generally do not have time for relationships. My life revolves around my work; free time is barely a reality for me, so I tend to end up just having numerous fun flings and friends with benefits. Hey, I am not complaining. It fulfills my needs. I do not want more than that anyway. I don't have time for the complications that come with dating.

A nice meal, an entertaining evening, and some bedroom fun are all I need.

I can't remember if this new nurse mentioned a boyfriend or not when we were talking last night. I am sure she didn't. She is my neighbor there at the apartment I have in town, so it should be pretty easy to entice her outside of working hours. I smile inwardly. This will be fun. I mean - I shouldn't. I should not be involved with her. But fuck - she is gorgeous.

I walked into the operating room holding my freshly scrubbed hands in front of me. I wait for one of the nurses to tie my surgical mask in place. Emma comes towards me and assists. She says, "Let me help you with that; keep those hands for the surgery." The other nurses are busy tending to the patient who is drifting off to sleep as the anesthesia takes its effect. The room is busy and full of attending staff as usual. I laugh eyeing Emma up and down, "You know, a surgeon is as good with his mouth as he is with his hands." I raise one brow at her. She does not smile or break her focus, she simply says "Well best keep your mouth shut now then and save that for surgery too."

I am shocked. She does not even smile at my advances. She just completely brushes me off and turns her attention back to the patient. A few of the other nurses look up in shock and I hear one of them take a sharp breath.

My cheeks begin to burn under my mask and annoyance seeps into my blood. Who does this woman think she is, embarrassing me in front of all of my staff. Annoyance turns to anger which I try and suppress. I need to focus on this surgery.

My expert hands go to work on the patient and the surgery goes very well. However, while I am working, I am still filled with anger and trying to think of ways to get Emma out of my operating room for good. I do not tolerate disrespect. I glanced at her on more than one occasion. She is doing very well, especially for her first surgery. Her work is meticulous, and her focus is sharp. I don't care though. I want her out of here. If she thinks she can speak to me like that then she has a rather big surprise coming her way. Nobody speaks to me like that. Does she not realize this is an amazing opportunity to work alongside me? Does she not know anything about respecting me? This girl has made a mistake she will soon regret.

Finally, surgery is finished, and I waste no time. After making sure my patient is stable and comfortable in the recovery room - I have made up my mind about getting rid of Emma. Scrubbing down and getting dressed back into my suit I march towards the hospital administrator's office. I need to speak with the CEO and ensure that I never have to look at Emma's face again.

I banged loudly on his office door. I am fuming with rage.

"Come in." He says from inside.

I open the door and stride in.

"Eric - "I begin, but he calmly interrupts me.

"Good morning, Lennox. What can I do for you today?"

I am angry. He can see it right away, but he remains neutral.

"I want the new surgical nurse off my team. The one who started today."

He glances down at some paperwork on his desk. "Emma? She looks brilliant on paper. Did something happen in the surgery?" His brows furrow.

"Yes - no - I want her gone."

He sighs and leans back in his chair. "Lennox, you are fully aware that we cannot get rid of someone based on nothing. What did she do to upset you so much?"

I glare down at him, "Eric. I am the best surgeon you have on staff. I want her gone. Make it happen."

Eric stares back at me without saying a word. It grates me further.

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