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"Oh, honey. No. I think it has to do with what happened in surgery yesterday. Sorry, everyone kind of knows about it, word travels fast around here. I mean you shot him down pretty harshly and well. I mean he has a history of being flirty and we all just put up with it. It's harmless. Ever since what happened at the last hospital, he never dates any of the nurses you know, so it really is just harmless."

"I don't know what happened at the last hospital?" I say, curious.

"Well, he lost his job after sleeping with one of his nurses - I thought everyone knew. The thing is, I mean it could just be rumors. But this hospital does not know what happened, right. He technically didn't lose his job because of that because the previous job had him resign stating a different reason. Anyway, I guess if they found out what really happened, he would be at risk of losing his job here. There is a very strict policy in hospitals not to sleep with co-workers. It just creates such hectic drama in the workplace, and we can't afford that here in an already high-stress environment."

I stay quiet listening to her story.

Lunch ends and I make my way back to the wards for aftercare. While I am working, my mind is churning. I want to be in surgery. I love working with people, but I want to be in surgery, not here. I think maybe I should have a word with Dr. Blake. If he wants to play games, I can play games too and nobody gets away with messing with my career like this.

Perhaps I will have a gentle word with him letting him know that I have no problem telling the CEO why he really left his previous job if he does not put me back on the roster to work in the operating room.



The last five or six surgeries have been annoying. Emma has been in every single one of them. I went from almost getting her off my team to having her around me permanently. Her scent is intoxicating, and I can't keep my eyes off her. The way she moves so elegantly and how precise she is with absolutely everything she does is driving me crazy. She ruthlessly threatened me, using my past against me. I wanted to throw her right out of the hospital, but I am resigned to the fact that Eric wants to keep her here and eventually, I would have had to put her back on the roster anyway.

We are standing next to each other at the scrub sink. She is helping me put the surgical gloves on and I can smell her rose-scented conditioner. I can't help myself around her. Everything about her turns me on.

"I am excellent in the kitchen, Emma. You really should come over and experience it for yourself." I say, hoping that maybe this time she will soften to my advances. Her expression does not change though as she works efficiently with the latex gloves. "Thanks, but I am quite happy with my leftovers."

She walks away from me into the operating room.

I can't keep my eyes off her body, her tight ass as it moves in the uniform. She isn't even playfully flirting back. I mean I know I sometimes flirt with the other nurses, but they all know I have a strict no dating rule. So why does Emma not just play along? The one nurse that I am very keen to break that rule for is the one nurse who won't even flirt back and stone-cold ignores my advances.

The problem is that the more she plays hard to get the more I want her. So, the entire situation is escalating badly for me. The thrill of the chase is distracting me.

More than half of the nurses in this hospital have tried to get me to date them behind the scenes. They practically throw themselves at me. I find it amusing. But lately, I have not even been able to enjoy flirting with any of them, because all I can think about is Emma.

Each time I am in surgery with her I am blown away by how brilliant she is. I can hardly believe she is new to this as she works as though she has been doing it for years. Her confidence, grace, and professional mannerism is only complimented by how gorgeous she is. Her fine features and sharp, intelligent eyes steal my breath whenever I catch a glance at them. She is the perfect combination of brilliance and beauty, and I am so drawn to her.

I can't figure out why it is that she isn't interested in me.

Perhaps I need to approach her outside of work? Perhaps she is being professional during working hours, but she might have a wild side outside of the hospital. I make a note in my mind to try and do that. We do live next door to each other after all.

Another surgery successfully concluded and another happy patient. I am sitting in my office resting for a while when Carla knocks on the door. "Yes," I say, checking my watch and noticing that I can head home soon. One more round to do with the patients.

She comes in looking worried.

"Dr. Blake - "She never calls me Dr. Blake.

Eric steps out from behind her. I sit up in my chair. "Eric? Thanks, Carla." I nod at her letting her know she can go. She leaves us in the office.

"Lennox." He places a piece of paper on my desk. "You are required to attend a meeting with the hospital board in the morning."

I am taken aback. "What is going on? What is this about?"

"We will discuss it in the morning. Be there at 7am."

He turns to leave my office. "Eric, come on. Can't you give me some kind of indication about what is going on?"

"It is about your behavior. That is unfortunately all I can say."

"My behavior? - "I shout after him, feeling frustrated. But he simply waves and says good night, leaving me alone in my office staring at the piece of paper he has left on my desk.

Someone has made a complaint against me. That is all I can think of. What else could it be? Unless one of my patients is not happy with their surgery, the chances of that are zero to none. No, this must be something internal.

I do not sleep very well and when my alarm goes off, I groan and reach over to press the snooze button. Then remembering I have to be at the meeting that morning I groan even louder and drag myself out of bed. Let's get this bullshit over with and find out what is going on.
