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Dressed in a crisp dark navy suit, I walk into the boardroom which is already full of practically the entire HR team and Eric, sitting at the head of the table.

"Let's get right to it," I say confidently as I take my seat.

Through all the lengthy explanations about hospital policy rules and regulations, they finally came to the end of it to tell me that one of the nurses had made a complaint against me for harassment and inappropriate comments towards her.

"Who?" I demand to know.

"You know we cannot reveal that, Lennox."

"Someone on my staff?"

Eric calmly replies again "Lennox, we cannot reveal that. These complaints can come from anyone in any department of the hospital. They are taken very seriously, and you are being given a written warning."

"It was Emma, wasn't it?" I stand up, slamming my hand on the table. "She has been nothing but trouble."

"Lennox. May I suggest that you remain seated and calm during this meeting."

I huff. Sitting down again. I know it is Emma. Who else can it be? That girl is snubbing me every moment she gets, and it's really starting to grate my patience away.

I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the meeting. I can't stop thinking about Emma. Is she playing hard to get? Is she taking this game to a whole new level? Is she really so stuck up and full of herself that she feels she can get away with opening a report against me in my own hospital. I am the top surgeon in this hospital, who the hell is she - just some scrub nurse.

She has crossed a line.

"Lennox - "

I look up. Eric is staring at me. "Do you confirm that you understand the entirety of the report and the complaint against you and that you understand that this is your first warning?"

I nod. "Yes." Whatever - this is bureaucracy. I need to go and find Emma and find out what is really going on.

"Please sign here."

One of the other board members slides a piece of paper in front of me and I scribble my signature onto it. As I'm standing up, "Can I go now?"

Eric sighs and shakes his head. "Yes, Dr. Blake. You may go now."

I storm out of the boardroom determined to track Emma down. She should be here by now and I am going to speak to her right away. She has to explain exactly what the hell she is up to.

I spot her in the nurses' room, making a cup of coffee. I march towards her, but as I come around the corner, I see she is standing with a tall dark-haired man. They are smiling and chatting. I recognize him as another one of the nurses, not from my department. Why would she be talking to him if he isn't even in the same department as her? She looks so happy; she actually looks like she might even be flirting. This angers me more. How dare she flirt with someone else while continuously shutting me down and then behind my back, open a report against me. Who the hell does she think she is?! She is begging me to fire her. She obviously has no respect for this job at all.

I watch as the male nurse reaches out and puts his arm around her waist, giving her a sideways hug. She laughs again. Her beautiful face lit up with her smile. I realize I have not seen her smile like that ever when she is talking to me.

I can't take this.

I will need to talk to her outside of work. I think the best thing for me to do is to stay at my city apartment tonight and catch her outside of work where I can talk to her in private without interruptions. One thing I know for sure is that she will not get away with this. She will have to answer to me for what she has done. Nobody dares to cause trouble like this for me and just gets away with it. She has no idea what I am capable of.



"Em?" Natasha interrupts Jason and me having a laugh about one of the patients throwing a tantrum over the chicken dinner. "Natasha, good morning. How are you?" She smiles sweetly at me. "I am great, thanks. I just wanted to give you a heads-up."

"Oh, sure, what's up?" I say, curiously.

"Well, word has gone around that there was a meeting in the boardroom this morning, involving Dr. Blake - turns out he is blaming you for whatever went on in there and he is literally mad as hell. No jokes though, I just passed him in the corridor, and he is fuming rage - "

"Oh - um - what happened in the boardroom this morning?"

"Not sure - but - just watch yourself around him today. He is in a foul mood. You know how he gets. When he wants a nurse gone, he finds a way to get rid of her. One mistake is all it takes. One mistake and you will be out."
