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“Ifthey find any evidence.”

Johnny spoke up for the first time. “Connor would never allow you to do what you’re talking about, Lily. It’s too dangerous.”

“Sebastian thinks it’s just a bunch of machinery getting moved around!” I protested.

“But it involves Miranda. And if Sebastian’s wrong, and you’re right – ”

“Then it could be the magic bullet we’re looking for to take her out!”

“Or it could just be a regular bullet with your name on it,” Johnny said quietly.

“That’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

Johnny shook his head. “Connor would never let you do this, and you know it.”

“But Connor’s not here right now. And I want him out of jail. I don’t care what you say – if there’s a chance this could help him, I’m going to do it.”

“Look – ”

“There’s no use arguing, guys. I’ve made up my mind.”

Johnny sighed. “Then I’m going with you to keep you safe.”

“Do you speak any Japanese?”

“Some. My parents immigrated to the US before I was born, so I grew up listening to them.”

“Then you’re the only one who speaks the native language in any of the places we’re going. I need you to go to Japan. I can get one of Connor’s bodyguards to go with me to Venice.”

Johnny and Sebastian looked at each other. Johnny raised an eyebrow; Sebastian rolled his eyes.

“Fine,” Sebastian groaned, then turned to me. “What if we compromise?”

“Compromise how?” I asked suspiciously.

“Johnny goes to Japan, I go to Tanzania… actually, I’ll go to Venice… and you stay here.”

“How am I going to help Connor, then?!” I asked angrily.

“By not giving him a heart attack when he finds out you went willy-nilly after Miranda in a foreign country.”

“No – ”

“YES,” Sebastian said. “And there’s no use arguing; I’ve made up MY mind.”

“Too bad,” I pouted. “I’ll just call up and order one of the company’s private jets – ”

Sebastian snorted. “I’d like to see you try it. I’m the one who schedules the private jets around here.”

I got an uneasy feeling. He was right. I’d never handled any of the flight scheduling myself.

“I’ll do it anyway,” I said.

“Who are you going to call?”

“I… I’ll figure it out.”

Sebastian pulled out his cell phone and started typing. “Do you know what I’m doing now?”
