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“…no…” I said warily.

“I’m sending an email to all air travel department contacts to NOT let you on an airplane, no matter how much you yell.”

“Don’t you dare!” I shouted.

“Too late, already sent,” he said gleefully, shoving his phone back in his pocket.

“Then I’ll just fly commercial,” I seethed.

“Interesting. Do you know where your passport is?”

My face fell. “It’s… in a safe…”

“Yes, with Connor’s passport. Do you happen to know the combination?” Sebastian asked, batting his eyes mockingly.

“Screw you, Sebastian. I’ll call the State Department and get a new one.”

“That will take 24 hours. And I’m fairly sure I can figure out a way to sabotage that, too.”

“Eve?” I called out.

Sebastian sat bolt upright. “Eve, don’t you DARE help her.”

“Eve can try whatever she wants, Lily,” Johnny said. “But she’s not going to be able to stop me from putting you in an arm lock and sitting on you if I have to. You’re not going to Venice.”

My phone screen filled up with text.

I have to admit, Lily, they’re making a lot of sense. I was talking about sending somebody local to scope it out – not putting yourself in danger.

“Guys!” I said, wanting to cry out of frustration. “Connor could die, and you’re asking me to sit here and do nothing!”

“Do you want to know why?” Sebastian asked. “Because none of us want to lose you. None of us want to be responsible if you get killed. And NONE of us wants to have to explain to Connor why we didn’t stop you when we had the chance.”

I buried my face in my hands. I really was going to cry.

“If I’m not going, I can’t ask you to go, either,” I said.

“We’ll go, we’ll go,” Sebastian groaned.

“If it’s too dangerous for me, it’s too dangerous for you.”

“I’m willing to put my own life in danger,” Johnny said. “I’m not willing to do the same with yours.”

“Besides,” Sebastian said, “it’s just going to be a bunch of boring businesses moving machinery around.”

“I still want somebody to go to Tanzania,” I said.

“Don’t push it,” Sebastian said. “Two out of three ain’t bad.”

“Why don’t you want to go to Tanzania?”

“I’m a tall, gay, white man. I’ll blend in better in Venice.”

“You just want to go shopping in Italy,” I said tartly.

“The thought never even crossed my mind.”


“Well, not until you mentioned it,” Sebastian said. “But now that you did, I think it’s a perfectly lovely idea.”
