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“I don’t know what to think right now.”

I swear to God, Connor, I had no idea what was going to happen. When Sebastian and Johnny got to Tanzania and Toyko, I tried to help – but it was like the bad guys knew we were coming.

“And how’d they know that?” I asked savagely.

I think Armin might have been a mole.

I sat there in disbelief, not registering the words for the first few seconds.


Think about it. In Tanzania, Stan got killed. In the limo they pulled out of the Hudson, every single body inside had been shot – the driver, the bodyguards, your maid and chef. But Armin? His body is missing. That makes no sense.

“Wait – were you talking to Lily when it happened? During the car crash?”

No. We talked just before, but her battery was running low, so we said goodnight.

A spark of hope flared up inside me. “Where’s her phone now?”

I don’t know. I keep searching for it, but I can’t find it anywhere.

“Why not? Is it off?”

If it were off, I could turn it on remotely and at least use the camera and microphone. No – somebody’s removed the battery and the SIM card. That’s why it’s disappeared from the network.

“What about Armin’s phone?”

Same thing.

All of my hope died.

I looked at Bert. “Did they find Lily’s phone at the accident?”

He shook his head. “No. They didn’t find anything.”

I turned back to the phone. “Even if Armin is a mole – and I’m not convinced he is – how do I know you aren’t working with him and Miranda right now?”

I guess you don’t. You’re just going to have to trust me.

“Why didn’t you contact Bert? Why didn’t you tell him what was going on?”

If Armin was a mole, I figured anybody could be, and I didn’t want to take any more chances. So I just monitored everything going on with Bert without making my presence known.

“You spied on me?!” Bert asked, aghast.


“Oh my God, I feel sick,” Bert muttered.

“What do we do now?” Johnny asked.

“We have to find Miranda,” I said, then asked sarcastically, “I don’t suppose you can help me with that, can you?”

No. I’m trying, but she’s good at covering her tracks.

“Do you know where my brother Vincent is right now?”

Actually I do. He’s at an address in the Hamptons. Your mother’s there, too.

I nodded. They were either going to be there, or at one of my family’s penthouses in Manhattan.

I pushed the button on the console nearest me.

Leo’s voice came over the speaker. “Yes sir?”

“Change of plans. We’re going to the Hamptons.”

“You think Miranda will be there?” Johnny asked.

“Probably not,” I said. “But Vincent is… and he’s going to tell me where she is, even if I have to kill him to make him talk.”
