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As far as getting shot goes, I am not brave, and don’t pretend to be. I screamed and jolted back in my chair, trying to get away from Miranda’s pistol – but the handcuffs locked on the armrest wouldn’t let me get far.

Miranda just followed me with the barrel of the gun, keeping it pointed at my head. A small smile curled her lips, like she was enjoying herself.

“STOP!” Sebastian screamed. “Alright, I’ll do it! Just stop pointing it at her!”

“Sebastian, no!” I cried out, ashamed at my weakness. “You can’t!”

“You were right before – Connor would tell me to do it. Especially for you. He would trade everything for you, Lily,” he said, his hands shaking as he put them on the laptop keyboard.

“You know she’s going to just kill you as soon as you give her what she wants! She’ll kill both of us, and the only thing that’ll happen is we helped her destroy Connor!”

Sebastian looked over at Miranda.

She smiled darkly. “I’ll tell you what: I’ll give you a sporting chance. I’ll keep you both alive until Connor shows up. If he can rescue you, then congratulations. If I kill him, though, then you both follow.”

Sebastian glanced at me, then nodded. “Alright. I’ll take those odds.”

“Don’t!” I yelled. “She’s lying!”

“I give you my word,” Miranda said.

“Whatever that’s worth,” I sneered.

“You are simply begging to be shot,” she said.

“Lily, be quiet and let me work,” Sebastian hissed. “Please, just – don’t antagonize her.”

I shut my mouth and followed his advice.

Miranda stood up and walked over behind Sebastian. She kept the gun aimed at me, but her words were for him. “One word of advice: do not try to trick or sabotage me, or I will have my men come in here with a pair of pliers and remove parts of her body, one at a time. I’ll have them start on her fingers first, then move on to her toes.”

“Alright, alright, just stop talking,” Sebastian said nervously as he began to type.

Miranda looked at me and smiled serenely. “You see? Everyone has their breaking point.”

I glared at her. “Yeah, when they have a gun at their head, or aimed at somebody they love. Not a big revelation, you psychopath.”

“No, but it’s a fundamental principle of human nature that often goes forgotten. And it’s why you’re doubly valuable to me now.”

I frowned. “What do you mean, doubly valuable?”

“You’ve already helped me convince our little homosexual here to destroy Connor’s empire. And you’re serving as bait so that when he finally gets here, I can destroy him in person.”
