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Miranda’s revelations had thrown me for a loop. Even though I tried not to react, there was no denying the sour sickness in my stomach – or the bitter despair in my heart.

I couldn’t stop myself from saying what came next. It was the only way I could fight against the onslaught of hopelessness and outrage coursing through me.

“Even if you kill me, it won’t matter,” I said coldly. “In fact, it’ll just make it worse for you. Connor will find you. He will. And he won’t stop until you’re dead or behind bars.”

“Your faith in Connor is… adorable,” she said, her voice dripping with contempt.

“It’s amazing to me how stupidly overconfident you are. You think you know everything, but you don’t.”

“But I do. For instance, I know that Eve Saunders is helping them. I know that she has currently accessed all the cameras aboard the ship. What she doesn’t know is that the feeds from all the cameras are fake. They’re recordings. In reality, I have three times more men onboard than Connor expects – and every single one of them knows that Connor is coming.”

My insides felt as though they had dropped out of my body and sunk into the floor.

“But what’s even better,” Miranda said, “is that I know something Connor doesn’t. One of his men is a traitor, employed by me.”

“Who, Armin?” I said sarcastically, doing my best to keep up a brave front. “If Connor hasn’t figured that out by now, I’m sure he will after he sees Armin and shoots him.”

“Excuse me, I misspoke.” Miranda smiled. “Two of Connor’s men are traitors. Armin is one. The second is accompanying him now, for the attack on my yacht.”
