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Miranda glided across the ballroom like Maleficent in the christening scene in Sleeping Beauty – albeit more like Angelina Jolie’s version than the greenish-hued harpy in the animated film.

She was dressed to kill, in a white designer dress that managed to be both elegant and reserved while showing enough of her curves to make men drool and women (including me) despise her.

She was on the arm of her new husband. Or maybe a more accurate way to put it was he was hanging onto her arm, because she definitely eclipsed him in beauty, class, and sociopathic poise.

The last time I had seen Vincent Templeton, he looked like a slightly shorter, less attractive version of Connor. Light brown hair instead of black; puffy features; a few extra pounds. Now he was even more bloated, like he’d been hitting the scotch in excess. It didn’t affect the arrogant sneer on his face, though. That was the one area where he excelled over Miranda: the sheer snottiness of his expression.

At the same moment I saw them approaching from my left, I caught Sebastian out of the corner of my eye, speed-walking towards us from the right. He looked kind of like a slower, gayer version of a football blocker dude, about to tackle… whoever it is who catches the ball… the receiver? The tight end?

I don’t know football. This is why I stick to nerdy pop culture references.

There’s a joke in there about Sebastian and ‘tight ends,’ but I’ll leave that one to your imagination.

I glanced over in panic at Connor. He’d already spied them. I saw the flash of anger in his eyes, but otherwise his poker player’s mask stayed impeccably in place.

Miranda broke right in front of some old rich guy who sputtered indignantly.

“NO,” Sebastian said, holding a finger up in his best Oh no you DON’T gesture. “Back of the line.”

Miranda barely spared him a glance as she said, “Lines are for little people. Like you.”

“It’s alright, Sebastian,” Connor said. “Let her drag her ass across the rug for awhile. She’ll leave soon enough.”

“That’s my wife you’re talking about,” Vincent said angrily.

“Yeah… my condolences on that.”

“Very funny, Brother-in-Law,” Miranda purred. It was mocking and infuriatingly sexy all at the same time. I wanted to smack her.

Connor handled it perfectly. “Thank you, Bitch-in-Law.”

Vincent did his best to channel red-hot anger. “One of these days you’re going to insult her and I’m going to break your fucking nose.”

Connor turned to his brother and stared him down. “Go for it.”

Vincent tried to muster up the courage to do anything – and failed. He just wilted physically, though the hatred on his face remained.

“Yeah,” Connor said coldly. “Thought so.”

“We won’t be long. I just wanted to let you know I had them file the class-action lawsuit in Nevada,” Miranda said with a slight smile. “You should have taken the deal.”

“I should have never dated you, too, but I don’t like to dwell on piles of shit I’ve stepped in. I just scrape them off and move on.”

“So crude.”

“And yet so accurate.”

“Watch your mouth,” Vincent snapped.

“Better watch hers,” Connor said. “You never know who’s been in it.”

It was a funny line – but knowing about Connor and Miranda’s past together, I was like EWWWW.

Not to mention the tiny ache in my heart, too.
