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“Wanna take your shot now, Vince?” Connor asked.

Vincent just clutched his fists impotently at his side.

“I wonder,” Miranda mused, “when you mention our past together, does your current fiancée ever feel… jealous? Inadequate?”

Yes. And yes.

She twisted the knife by not even looking at me, even though I was standing right there.

My poker face isn’t as good as Connor’s. I’m sure the pain showed on my features plain as day.

Miranda was drawn to that pain like a shark to blood. She finally looked at me – with obviously fake sympathy, even as she quite openly savored my distress.

Her expression – and her true intent – sent a tremor of fear down my spine.

“Oh,” she cooed. “I think someone’s feelings are hurt.”

Connor shook his head. “I doubt it, since she knows she’s a thousand times better than you in bed.”

My heart soared.

“Too bad she’s not that attractive,” Vincent sneered.

I can’t describe how hurt I felt at that moment – not to mention the hatred I felt for that son of a bitch.

“Have you looked in a mirror lately, doughboy?” I asked.

Sebastian snickered behind his hand.

“She’s absolutely beautiful,” Connor said angrily. “Your raving psycho-bitch doesn’t compare.”

I wanted to have his babies so bad right then.

“You forget, I’ve seen pictures of your future wife naked,” Vincent sneered.

“And you forget, I’ve fucked yours,” Connor retorted.


“Could we not?” I pleaded.

“Sorry, got carried away,” Connor muttered.

“Let’s go,” Miranda said, pulling at her enraged husband’s arm. “The time to gloat will come soon enough.”

“I’m pretty sure Vincent comes quicker,” Connor called out as they disappeared into the crowd.

“EW,” I said, wrinkling my nose.

“What? It’s not about her and me, it’s about how long he lasts in – ”

“Yeah, I GOT it. Please, can we just have a moratorium on the sexual stuff? Please?”

“Seconded,” Sebastian said, raising his hand.

“A genius’s best work is never appreciated,” Connor grumbled playfully.
