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The next day went by in a blur. Anh and I worked the entire morning and afternoon, and then she and Johnny took off for an evening on the town.

At 6:45 PM, I nervously inspected the crisp linen tablecloth and the place settings on the dining room table. Everything was impeccable – somebody else had set the table, just like our chef Vincenzo was fixing dinner, so I couldn’t screw anything up – but I needed something to do to distract me from my nerves.

After all, the single most imposing man I’d ever met was coming to dinner.

Connor was drinking a scotch over by the doorway. He’d been in a foul mood all day. “This is a bad idea.”

“You know what’s a worse idea? Living your whole life being mortal enemies with your family.”

“I didn’t choose that. They did.”

“It looks like your father isn’t choosing it anymore. And if you don’t meet him halfway, then you are choosing it. You’re the one perpetuating it.”

He scoffed. “Thank you, Dr. Freud.”

“I’m not Freud. If I were, I’d say you have an Oedipus Complex and want to – ”


I give him an impish grin. “I was going to say ‘you want to kill your dad.’ Since you kinda do.”

“Yeah… but I saved him in Mexico, remember.”

I walked over and draped my arms around his neck. “You’re very complicated, Connor Templeton. And kind of fucked up. But I love you anyway.”

“Is that your official diagnosis? ‘Fucked up’?”


He raised one eyebrow seductively. “What’s the cure?”

“Take two kisses and call me in the morning.”

“What about sex?”

“See, you’re like Freud. It’s all about sex with you.”

He grinned. “Okay, sex will be your payment.”

“You wish. Five cents, please.”


“Like Lucy? In Peanuts? When she plays psychiatrist? ‘That’ll be five cents, Charlie Brown.’”

“Do I look like a bald kid to you?”

I ruffled his hair. “Eh… you’re on the way…”

He tickled me. “Take it back!”

I laughed so hard from his tickling that I could barely choke out, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding!”

“Damn straight,” he groused as he let me go.

“What about my five cents?” I said, straightening my dress. “I gots ta get paid.”
