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“I’ll have to owe you.”

I snorted. “A billionaire who can’t spare a nickel.”

“I don’t carry change.”

“Apparently you don’t want change, either – at least not with your father.”

“Ha ha,” he said, not laughing at all. “Is that psychiatrist humor?”



“Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all week.” I stopped joking and put on a serious face. “I want you to promise me something, though.”


“I want you to be nice.”

“Oh, I’ll be nice,” he growled in my ear as he put his arms around my waist.

“Stop it! I meant to your father.”

He sighed. “Why?”

“Because he’s making an effort. He obviously cares.”

Connor shook his head. “You still think he was sincere back in the hospital, don’t you.”

“Yes. I do.”

“Those were crocodile tears, Lily.”

“You weren’t there.”

“Yeah, because I’d been shot. By his fucking daughter-in-law, whom he hasn’t done jack shit to, other than give her the keys to the family fortune.”

“Just give him a chance.”

Connor glowered. “This is a Trojan Horse set-up. I think he’s here to get something, or to trick me into letting my guard down, or to do some sort of reconnaissance.”

“Maybe it’s more like the McConaissance.”

“The what?”

“The McConnaissance? When Matthew McConaughey did True Detective and won an Oscar in the same year? Like, Renaissance, but with a ‘McCon’ in front of it?”

Connor gave me a blank look.

Now I was the one to shake my head. “You really suck at pop culture references, you know that?”

He leaned in close and whispered seductively in my ear. “You’re really good at sucking something else.”

I smacked Connor’s arm. “Only if you be nice to your father.”

He raised one eyebrow. “You’re threatening to withhold sexual favors based on my behavior tonight?”

“Damn skippy.”

He smirked. “Riiiiight.”

“I’m serious.”

He embraced me forcefully and whispered in my ear, “Then I won’t go down on you, either. Or maybe I will… but I won’t let you come.”

That seductive growl, and his strong arms forcing me against his muscular body, made me weak in the knees. And a little bit wet.

“Then for both of our sakes, behave,” I said before I broke away.
