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Not so for Lenora.

She broke off of Vincent’s arm, walked up to Connor, and slapped him in the face.

He stepped backwards, entirely out of surprise – not from the force of the slap itself.

Because of the drama playing out, though, I think I was the only one to see the miniscule smile that turned up the corners of Miranda’s lips.

“You vile, pathetic waste of a man,” Lenora shouted as she tried to hit Connor again. “You bring your whore to my husband’s funeral – ”

Johnny obviously hadn’t been expecting an attack from a 60-something woman, so the first slap caught him off guard – but he successfully got between her and Connor for the second one.

“Vincent,” Connor shouted.

Vincent ran up and tried to pull Lenora away, but failed spectacularly. She kept beating against Johnny’s chest, trying to get past him to Connor.

“ – and you insult my daughter-in-law, who was doing nothing but showing you kindness?”

“The same daughter-in-law Dad hated?” Connor yelled. “The same daughter-in-law he thought might try to kill him, just like she tried to kill me?”

“You LIE!” Lenora screamed.

By this point Sebastian had run up the aisle and was trying to lead Connor away. “Calm down, calm down – ”

“This is slander,” Miranda said loudly enough for anyone within 50 feet to hear. “I could sue you in court – ”

“Sue my father then, he said it at dinner!” Connor shouted. “He said that once he was gone, you would use all the family’s resources to…”

Suddenly he stopped, confused, as ten policemen walked into the funeral.

Six of them were in uniform. The other four must have been detectives; they were easily identifiable by their mustaches and modestly priced suits. Not to be a Park Avenue Bitch about it, but when every other guy in the place is wearing three-piece Armani and you’re wearing Men’s Warehouse, you tend to stand out.

The lead suit walked right up to Connor. “Mr. Connor Templeton?”

Connor stared at him. “Who are you?”

“Detective Morse with the NYPD.”

Connor looked over at Sebastian. “Did you seriously call the cops because of this?”

“What? No!”

The detective jerked his head back towards the entrance to the church. “I’m going to have to ask you to come with me, Mr. Templeton.”

“This is my father’s funeral,” Connor seethed.

“I’m well aware of that. If you would just step outside with me – ”

“What for?!”

“Have him removed!” Lenora screamed.

“If you would just come with me, sir,” Det. Morse said.

“I will not! Not until you tell me why!”

“Then you leave me no choice.” There was a krrrrr-click as the detective slapped handcuffs on Connor’s wrists. “Connor Templeton, you are under arrest for the murder of Augustus Templeton.”
