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“At this point, not until tomorrow morning. I prepare my argument, we go to court, we see how the cookie crumbles.”

Connor ran his fingers through his hair. “Alright… but I can’t wait around for that. Bert, thanks for coming by, but I need to speak to my people alone.”

“You don’t want me around for this?” Bert asked in surprise.

“Let me ask you a hypothetical question: if there were even the hint of anything illegal in the conversation I’m about to have – ”

“As your counsel, I think I’m going to go stand outside,” Bert said, putting his papers back in his briefcase.


Bert said his goodbyes, then walked out the door.

“Illegal?” I asked fearfully.

“I just said that to get him out of the room,” Connor said. “I need you guys to run down everything you can on Miranda, on how my father might have been killed, anything that could help me.”

“How do we do that?” I asked, completely mind-boggled.

“Get in contact with Eve.”

I almost said Who? but then I remembered.

Several weeks before, an old friend of Connor’s named Grant Carlson had visited us asking for help. A fellow billionaire, he’d had a shocking secret hobby that had caused him to run afoul of a particularly nasty character.

The hobby was cat burgling, and the nasty character was a serial killer.

Grant had entered our penthouse by breaking in through the bedroom wall – as in literally kicking through the sheetrock. He’d been accompanied by a beautiful computer hacker named Eve. She’d been helping him try to find out the identity of the serial killer.

Connor had lent them one of his private jets to get them out of the country, but before they’d left, Connor had joked about hiring Eve one day to help with Miranda.

It seems that day had come.

“As far as we know, they’re still on the run,” I pointed out. “They might even be dead.”

“We’re about to find out. Sebastian – you’ve got Grant’s phone numbers and emails,” Connor said. “Find Grant, and you’ll find Eve. She’ll know what to do.”

There was a commotion at the door. It burst open, and three security guards brushed past Bert as he yelled, “I just stepped out to get some air! This is still a privileged conversation! You’re not allowed in there!”

The lead guard motioned to Connor. “Let’s go.”

Connor turned and kissed me. They let us embrace for five seconds, then they pulled him away.

As they escorted him out of the room, he called back to all of us.

“You know what to do.”
