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“Oh my God!” I squealed. “Sebastian, type ‘How did you know we were here?’”

“Type it yourself,” he said, scootching back his chair so I could get to the keyboard.

Suddenly the cursor moved. No need to type, I can hear you just fine.

I stared at the screen, then at Sebastian. “What the hell?! How can she hear us?!”

After we talk, you guys really need to deactivate the built-in camera in the monitor.

I looked at the monitor. Sure enough, there was a small pinhole lens at the top of it.

“You didn’t make sure people couldn’t hack in?!” I yelled at Sebastian.

“We’re on a secure network!” Sebastian snapped back.

Obviously not.

“Why can’t we see you on the screen, then?” Sebastian asked, annoyed. He was not happy having someone suggest he hadn’t done his job properly.

If you’re contacting me for any of the reasons I THINK you’re contacting me, I’d like to keep my location private, which is harder to do with a video feed out.

“We’re not trying to keep our location private,” Sebastian protested.

Yes, well, I’m apparently a little more concerned about my online safety than you are.

While Sebastian got more irritated, I got more concerned. “Oh my God… if Eve could get in, Miranda could have paid somebody to hack us…”


Sebastian squinted his eyes suspiciously at the computer monitor. “How did you just happen to get online when Lily walked in?”

I didn’t. I’ve been watching you for the last 30 minutes.

Sebastian’s eyes widened. “You were spying on me?! Why didn’t you say something?!”

I don’t know you. I know Lily. So I waited to see if you’d give something away, in case you weren’t the person you said you were.

Bert waved his hands to attract our attention. “Can you verify that whoever’s on the other end is this Eve person?”

The cursor suddenly went wild with question marks.

Who’s that?????

I was confused for a second, but then I realized that she couldn’t see him. Bert was standing on the other side of the desk. Eve had just heard his voice for the first time, that was all.

“It’s – ” I started, but Bert interrupted me from the other side of the desk.

“Shhh!” he said, raising his finger to his lip. “Not until you confirm it’s the person you think it is!”

He’s actually right,the cursor typed. Here’s the proof: Grant and I broke in through your bedroom wall, through the sheetrock.

“It’s Eve,” I said. “Nobody else knows what she just wrote.”

“Fine,” Bert grumbled.

So who is he?
