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Bert, Johnny, Sebastian, and I sat in the back of the limo as Armin drove.

Eve’s texts continued to flash onscreen as we talked to the phone.

The limo driver’s is the only cell that’s still active. That’s why I was able to pull GPS coordinates off it.

“That’s great!” I said.

He’s somewhere on the Jersey coast. There have been a few incoming calls that went straight to voicemail, but no calls out. He’s been there the last week, not moving – probably holed up.

“Or dead,” Johnny said.

Or dead,the text message screen agreed.

I felt a little nauseated, but I ignored it. “Anything on Mr. Templeton’s phone?”

I’m sorry, but I can’t find it. Can’t find the bodyguards, either. They seem to have gone underground, too.

“That’s an ironic choice of words,” Johnny said.

Sorry – no pun intended.

“How do you know they went – ‘underground’?” I asked.

I tried searching their bank accounts for credit card or ATM activity, but there was nothing. Nothing on their phones, either.

“Please tell me I’m not involved in this conversation,” Bert muttered.

I wasn’t bothered at all by what Eve was doing. If she could free Connor, I didn’t care how. “If we can find the limo driver, that’s a start.”

I did find something really weird, though.

“What’s that?”

Somebody hacked Mr. Templeton’s phone account. The account still exists, but every single record has been deleted. Every incoming or outgoing call for the last however many years is gone.

“Oh my God,” Bert muttered, and pulled off his glasses.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Sebastian said.

No. Mr. Templeton knew something, and somebody’s going to a lot of trouble to cover it up.

“Miranda – it has to be Miranda,” I said.

Well, fortunately she hired somebody who’s only VERY good instead of somebody phenomenal.

“What do you mean?”

Whoever did it deleted all the phone calls Mr. Templeton made. But they didn’t delete all the records on OTHER people’s accounts, the people he called or who called him. So I searched and collated every single call where Mr. Templeton was a participant. I basically rebuilt a record of all his phone calls over the last six months.

“But – you must have had to search millions of phone accounts,” Sebastian said in shock.

Actually, closer to a billion, just to be sure. Impressed now?

“…yes,” Sebastian said grudgingly.

“You didn’t just hack his cell phone company, you hacked every cell phone company?” I asked.
