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“So you’re Lily?” Koffitz asked as he bolted the door shut.

He was average height for a man, about 5’9”. Besides the silver hair and rimless glasses, what I noticed most were his tight lips. He pressed them together whenever he wasn’t speaking, as though he were under a great deal of stress. He wore an expensive dress shirt and slacks; even in hiding, he still looked the part of a Manhattan lawyer.


“I’ve heard about you,” Koffitz said as he pulled the curtain back a few inches and checked the road.

Well, duh,I thought. “Right. From the voicemails I left.”

Koffitz shook his head. “No. From Connor’s father.”


“Mr. Templeton talked about me?” I asked, shocked.

“Oh yes. Never mentioned that one, though,” he said, gesturing towards Johnny.

“No surprise there,” Johnny said. “I was just ‘the hired help’ as far as he was concerned.”

Koffitz turned away from the window. “Why are you here?”

“As you probably know, Connor was charged with Mr. Templeton’s murder,” I said.

“Of course I know. The whole world knows that by now.”

“He didn’t do it.”

“I know that, too.”

My eyes widened. “You do?”

“Let’s put it this way: I’m convinced your fiancé is innocent because of what Augustus said.”

“What did he say?”

“He was convinced that if he was murdered, it wouldn’t be one of his sons who killed him.”

“But his daughter-in-law might.”

“Bingo. But I can’t give you any proof of that, which is why I assume you’re here. I only have hearsay from Augustus.”

My heart sank.

Koffitz pulled back the curtain and peeked out again.

“Why do you keep checking the road, Mr. Koffitz?” I asked.

“If you found me, I have to assume she might, too.”

“You think Miranda might show up here?”

“Not her, exactly… but one of her hired guns, yes.”

“Why are you afraid she might kill you, though? What could she possibly have against you?”

He looked at me in surprise. “You don’t know?”
