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“Any of those regrets include me?”

I knew what she was after – some sort of ‘let’s make up and fuck’ banter – but I wasn’t going down that road. Instead I said, “If I’d never met you, Sloane, I’d be dead right now. Thank you – for everything.”

She took the hint. “Thank YOU. I’m gonna be a multi, multi-millionaire ‘cause of you, Jack.”

“Yeah, that reminds me of something – ”

“What, you wanna get a cut of the action?”

“No, it’s all yours – but be careful. The DEA is going to be watching every bit of the Santa Muertes’ old territory for the next crew that moves in.”

“No offense, but we both know I got a better head for this shit than you do. I didn’t get to where I am by bein’ a dumb blonde.”

“I know, I know, just – keep an eye out, alright? And don’t take any stupid chances.”

“Honey, we both know I let other people take the stupid chances. I just take the money.”

“Considering last night, I guess you’re right.”

Suddenly she switched gears, and her voice grew softer. “You ever think about me, Jack?”

I was a little uncomfortable with this, but I answered, “Of course.”

“No, I mean… you ever think about US.”

More uncomfortable. “I guess.”

She didn’t sound too happy with that answer. “Mm. Say – where the hell is Little Miss Perky Tits? Is she listenin’ in?”

“No, she’s inside sleeping.” I tried to lighten the mood. “And I’d say you’re Little Miss Perky Tits yourself, after that operation.”

“No, I’m Miss HUGE Perky Tits, and don’t you forget it. What’s gonna happen with you two now?”

“She’ll get up, take a shower, we’ll probably grab some breakfast at IHOP – ”

“You know what I mean. Quit tryin’ to duck the question.”

I smiled as I realized the answer: “I’m going to go up north, and I’m going to ask her to go with me.”

“You’re gonna leave Richards?”


“And you’re gonna take her with you?”

“If she’ll go with me, yeah.”

There was a long pause.

“…you ever think about making another go of it? You and me?”

I tried to be diplomatic. “We want different things.”

“I don’t know that they’re ALL that different…”

“You want to rule an empire and make a shit-ton of money, Sloane. I want to live on the right side of the law, and that’s about it.”

“…okay, we want different things.”
