Page 31 of Scarred Assassin

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“I want to kill him,” I said casually. They both shared eye contact before looking back at me. “What?” I asked when they both looked like they hadn’t heard the word ‘kill’ before.

“You want us to kill him for you? I mean I can, if you want.” At his words, Gideon eyed us again and Yusuf grunted, throwing his head backward. “I’m not fucking her, Gideon, I swear.”

“Can you stop talking about who is and who is not fucking me? And you, why do you want to know who fucks me?”

“Because he tolerates you too much and only your mother or someone fucking you can tolerate you.” He shrugged and I glared at him for some seconds before he avoided eye contact.

“You do know that I do not necessarily need a knife to kill you, right? That I can just snap your stupid neck with my bare hands. No, you know that, right?” I threatened in anger, the vein in my neck almost popping.


“Both of you stop fighting. Say whatever you want Alexis, we all have places to go, don’t we?”

I still had to go to Ari and Kendal’s school. I should have just asked Yusuf to come see me alone. I had forgotten that Gideon and I could never sit together for two minutes without fighting.

“I want you to give me a good plan, a full proof plan to eliminate him once and for all.”

“First of all, what did the CEO of Gates Group do to you for you to want him dead? I have never even seen him.”

I clenched my fist and stared into space. “He did something to me in the past.” Gideon and Yusuf shared eye contact again before nodding at me. “So he has to die.”

“Alright. And you need a full proof plan to kill him in one meeting, right?”

I rolled my eyes at the older man. “That's what I just said, Gideon.”

“What was the first plan that came to your mind when you saw information about him? I mean, you must know him better than us if you say he did something to you in the past.” Yusuf asked and I thought back to my plan of seducing him.

“He likes girls, younger girls. As you know, Gossips News said he is currently dating three girls and he’s almost twice their age. He likes the fact that he can still get a younger girl. Younger pussy to be exact.”And the obsession started from me.

“So you thought about seducing him and letting him fuck you?”

“Oh he’s not going to fuck me, Yusuf. But yeah, I thought of seducing him. You know, luring him to a better place for him to die.”

Ever since I hung his picture on my target board, I’d fantasize different ways to torture him. I even haddreamsof it happening and that was when I decided that I was going to make my dreams come true.

Even if I didn’t get to torture the other Antonios, Troy must get a taste of Alex.

Yusuf typed on his laptop for a while, Gideon stared at the laptop with no emotion on his face and I stared at the two of them wondering what they were doing. Were they checking his location or his whereabouts or…

“Here. There is a party at Fords Hall on Friday and it’s for the elites; mostly CEOs, Mafias and Politicians. He is definitely going to be there." He turned his laptop to me and I checked the announcement. “You don’t have to worry about your identity since it’s a masked party.”

“I am not worried about my identity, but I do like the fact that it is a masked party. The question now is how do I get in? You don’t get into these parties without an invite or strong connection.”

Gideon started, “well, you can get in through many ways. Firstly, you can visit the hall beforehand, get close to a bartender or some fucker that works at the hall and get him to steal a seat for you.”

That seemed very logical. I’d done thisa lotto know that I’d have to fuck him first, but I wasn’t interested in fucking a man for now. The last one I fucked turned out to be my fucking nightmare.

“Another option?”

Yusuf typed on his computer again. “Stripper. You can go in as a stripper. It’s just that the number of strippers needed has been decided already, but it’s easy if you kill one of the strippers and just take her place.”

“I prefer the striptease idea.”

“And us?” Yusuf asked.

“He walks with six guards. Five are going to stand outside by his car and one will go in with him. I expect you to take down the five guards while the party goes on. I’ll be driving him to the warehouse to torture him first.” I said.

“Killing five guards is messy. It will only create attention. The hotel is one of the big threes in Canada, and you know how they run. They have cameras in every corner. We can’t plan unless we visit the hotel yet.”
