Page 49 of Scarred Assassin

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I guessed he didn’t find me funny, which was actually surprising to me, because I thought I had a good sense of humor. “All I had to do was dance. Damn, Uncle Troy…” I shook my head at him. “You’re easy.”

I drove my knife into his other thigh and he screamed again. He started begging profusely and I pouted at him. “Don’t be a killjoy, I just started having fun.” I tore his shirt, placed the edge of my knife on his back and ran it down. His skin opened under the sharp blade and blood seeped out of the cut.

“Jordan please.”

I held his cheek tenderly and wiggled my brows. “Please whatdaddy? Tell me what you want.” I teased and burst into laughter.

I cut on his arm, creating a mark like mine, but even deeper, and I smiled at him. “Tell me what you know Uncle Troy, why did your dad do that to my mom and I? Was it only because my dad stole his money?”

He opened his mouth, but his head fell around tiredly before he eventually passed out. I snickered unbelievably. Was this asshole kidding me?

I could just kill him and leave, but I never killed my targets unaware. I loved it when they stiffed with fear. I loved it when they died multiple times before actually dying. I loved it when they saw life walk away from them.

It thrilled me. I loved thrillers.

I picked up the glass of wine on the nightstand and angrily threw the content at him. He jolted up, his eyes barely opening, but as soon as he took note of his environment, he resumed screaming.

“As I was saying before you chickened out…”

“I don’t know, Jordan, I swear I don’t. All I know was that your dad took off with dad’s thirty-five million dollars. It wasn’t completely dad’s money, it was from the mafia club that they were in.” A mafia club? I didn’t know about this club.

“Well why did you stop? Keep talking.” I moved my knife and cut down on the other arm, intently monitoring to see if it was the same length as the former.

Fuck, he’s too loud. I should have brought along headphones.

“Dad introduced your dad into a mafia club that he was in. He told them that your dad would supply them with the drugs and ammunition they needed.” His speech got slurry due to how much blood he was losing.

“They all contributed money for your dad and gave him their orders, but he ran off with the money. So dad was annoyed because he would be the one to pay back the money and they were already humiliating and threatening him saying he planned it together with your dad.”

“So kidnapping and raping my mom and I was the best way to get back at my dad?” I seethed.

“I’m sorry, please.”

“For telling me some things, I will help you.” I said and he managed a smile, nodding and sniffing. I removed my knife from his arm and yanked his neck to me. His eyes widened and he resumed screaming, calling for help and trying to free his hands. “Don’t be like that, you are a man. It’s going to be fast, I promise.” He shook his head in disagreement, and I angrily pulled his hair to keep his stupid neck in place.

I placed my knife on his neck and slashed through, almost cutting through his throat. His blood splashed on my face and I breathed a laugh.

Oh he’s a squirter. Only two people had ever squirted.

His neck fell to the back and his body convulsed. I watched him lose all the blood in his body and before his last drop, I whispered to him, “you should have made sure I was dead.” He slowly stopped moving and his body fell limp, his hands still tied to the bed rest as he finally dropped dead with his eyes wide open and I scoffed in anger.

I didn’t know why they did shit like that. Close your damn eyes when you die.

I wiped the blood on my face, arranged my clothes, tied my knife back to my waist and glanced at the timer in the room;1:20:05. I did spend a lot of time, but I was glad that the guard wouldn’t come in until it was exactly two hours.

I dropped my note right beside him, and tapped on my interlink to talk with Gideon and Yusuf.

“Alex, how was it?” Yusuf’s voice rang across the interlink.

“Fun. It’s time to evacuate.” They replied with a chorus ‘okay.’ I didn’t have to worry about them. They were not kids and they knew what to do.

After a couple of seconds, every single light in the hotel went out and I smirked. I opened the door and carefully shut it behind me, running down the hallway with a little dim torchlight. I got out of the hotel in no time.

I had parked my car a couple of miles away from the hotel and as I tried to rush to it, I slowed my steps when I felt blood rush through my body.

I heard running footsteps behind me and just as I was about to turn back, I felt a strong hand grab my wrist and I tightened my second hand on the side of my waist where my knife was, ready to strike anytime. But my hand fell when I heard him.

