Page 91 of Scarred Assassin

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“Are you done? Cool. Now get out.”

He sat up and groaned, throwing his hands in the air. “You’re always arguing and fighting with me, oh please just kill me.”

With a mischievous smirk on my face, I walked to him and wrapped my hands around his neck.

“Sarcasm, that was sarcasm.” He choked out, slapping my hands, but I kept it firm on his neck.

“I know, I was choking you in sarcasm. Now beg.”

“Jesus Christ, I’m sorry,” he rushed out, still struggling to remove my hand from his neck.

“Not to Jesus, to me.”

“Fine, fine. Flower, I’m sorry. Jordan, I’m sorry. Alexis, I’m sorry.” I scoffed and removed my hands from his neck. He slumped to the chair and coughed out, before glaring at me. “I almost died.” He barked at me.

“That was the point,” I shrugged, before breathing out tiredly. “Honestly, what do you want?”

“You,” he flirted with a wink.

I whined in response, throwing my head back and he laughed. “Just kidding, where is the earbud?” He asked and I pointed to the dining table.

He whistled and walked to the table, where he took the interlink and opened my laptop.

After a while, he shut my laptop and walked back to me. He put my hair to the back of my ear and fixed the earbud for me.

He leaned down and I held my breath. “Remember…” I felt his breath on my face and closed my eyes, inwardly cursing myself. “Pay attention.”

I nodded and he placed a soft kiss on my lips. It was so soft that I almost didn’t feel it. I was getting vulnerable with him, and I didn’t like it. I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me, gaze so gentle and so tender.

I pushed him and cleared my throat. “Alright, you can get out now.”

“Fine fine, be mean as fuck. I’ll be back later.”

Before I could tell him not to come, he got out of the door and left. I picked up my car keys, ready to meet Gideon and Yusuf.


“Welcome Jayden. You’re fifteen minutes late, we’re all waiting for you,” Daniel said as I came in and I rolled my eyes, ignoring him.

“So will you talk now? I don’t know why we had to wait for him when we could have just told him later. I have places to be.” Sam snapped.

“What I wanted to say was, I met a man today. My friend introduced me to him. He’s a French investigator and will be working with me on this Alex case.” Alex? Did they find something on her? I hoped they did not.

“Okay, and did he find anything?” Dad asked

“He said what Mr Tee said. Alex only kills sexual assailants.”

“Then there’s no use of him,” dad snarled and I heard Jordan scoff. I released my breath in relief, I almost thought they found something on her.

“No no, he did say something that made me think and now I think we have one more suspect to look into.”

“Who?” Sam asked the question on the tip of my tongue.

“Dad, do you remember Chris Vincenzo?” I gulped as I saw my dad tense. He was probably hearing his best friend’s name for the first time in ten years.

I heard Jordan stop her car abruptly and she groaned. Was she okay? Fuck, I was dying to be with her, I wanted to know what she was feeling.

“We did bad things to his wife and daughter, what if…” Daniel started, but Sam interrupted him.
