Page 53 of A Chance Fall

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Her jealousy was on full display, a fire rising inside of her. But then she stopped as she heard the words that came out of his mouth.

"You have to stop doing this," he said softly. "This coming to my work. It needs to stop."

April's heart raced as she heard Nigel's words. Suddenly, the jealousy and anger that had consumed her moments ago were replaced with confusion and concern.

She took a deep breath and stepped closer to the divider, trying to keep her footsteps quiet. She was trying to hear more of their conversation. Nigel continued speaking, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I can't keep doing this, Lily. You need to move on. I can't be with you anymore."

April's eyes widened in shock as she heard his words. This was not what she had been expecting to hear. She had been so sure that Nigel and Lily were back together.

"I just wanted to talk," Lily said, her voice low and husky. "I miss you."

April rolled her eyes. Of course, she was trying to get him back. She knew that from the moment Lily stepped foot in this town. It didn't matter what she said, it mattered how he responded.

"You have to get out. I mean it. I can't have you showing up like this. I'm not interested in you anymore. Two years ago, you broke off our engagement. And honestly, I'm glad you did."

Putting a hand to her mouth, April stopped herself from gasping out loud. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She'd found out about his past, but didn't realize how over it he truly was.

As she stood there, frozen in place, she saw Lily reach out to touch Nigel's arm.

He pulled away, his expression hardening. "Stop. I mean it. You broke things off, and we need to keep it that way. I don't want you anymore, can't you get that? We broke up for a reason. It's time to move on."

For the first time, April felt like she saw the whole picture. Nigel had been trying to tell Lily this all along, but she struggled to accept the truth.

Lily had come to town to try and get him back, but he was having none of it. Nigel truly wanted April all along.

The scenario where Nigel was flip flopping between the two of them, it was never real. It was all in her head. She thought that he was trying to choose between her and Lily. But maybe he was just trying to let Lily down easy.

April's heart felt like it was swelling with happiness as she watched Nigel stand firm in his decision. She realized that she had been so focused on her own insecurities and jealousy that she had failed to see the truth. Nigel had chosen her all along.

She had been so worried about losing him to his ex-girlfriend, but now she knew that he had never really been interested in Lily. It was a weight lifted off her shoulders.

Lily's shoulders slumped as she turned to leave. Nigel's words had finally sunk in, and she realized that he wasn't going to change his mind.

April dipped slightly behind the divider so they couldn't see her. Then she heard Lily's voice say, "I just want you to know that I love you."

"I know," Nigel said.

As she walked away, April took a step forward, ready to reveal her presence. But something held her back.

Maybe it was because she didn't want to interrupt Nigel's moment of closure with his ex-girlfriend. Or maybe it was because she felt bad for Lily.

She'd been on that end of the breakup before. Lily would find someone new, someone who was better for her. It wasn't Lily's fault that she still had feelings for Nigel.

April's heart swelled with love and relief as she realized that Nigel had been faithful to her all along. She felt ashamed of her jealousy and anger towards Lily.

After a minute had passed, Lily finally out the front door of the restaurant, April stepped out to reveal herself to Nigel.

His eyes grew wide, his cheeks pink. "Uh, hi. I'm sorry, I wasn't really expecting you," he said, stammering.

She smirked. "I thought I'd stop in to see you. I thought maybe we should talk. I guess I was right."

April watched the realization come across his face. "You heard all of that?"

"Every word," she said with a small smile. "I'm sorry for not trusting you. I was so consumed with my own insecurities that I didn't see the truth. You were always faithful to me."

Nigel reached out to take her hand. "I understand why you were jealous. You don't have to apologize. I should have been more open with you. But I promise you, I only want to be with you."
