Page 54 of A Chance Fall

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Her eyes peeked at the strong hands by his side. She couldn't resist the urge to take them in hers. "I believe you," she said softly. "And I only want to be with you too."

"I just want us to be honest with each other from now on. No more secrets, no more hiding things from each other," Nigel said.

April felt the warmth of his breath on her skin. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him close as they stood there in the middle of the restaurant.

"I agree," she whispered into his chest.

Nigel's hands rest firmly on her hips as they hugged close together. "Let's start fresh, okay?"

She couldn't have agreed more. "As long as you keep cooking me dinner, I'll be there."

He chuckled, deep and hearty. "It's a deal."

As they pulled away from the embrace, Nigel's eyes locked onto hers. His hands moved up to cup her face softly, and he leaned in closer. Their lips met in a tender kiss, their passion reignited.

It was as if a tidal wave of passion had been building up inside of her, and now it was crashing over them both. It was gentle but held the force of a thousand waves crashing against the shore.

April felt a rush of emotions, a feeling of safety and warmth, of contentment and desire. She knew that Nigel was the one for her, and she was the one for him.

As their lips parted, April smiled up at him. "I'm so glad we found our way back to each other," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Nigel smiled back at her, his eyes shining with love. "Me too. I never want to lose you again."

They held each other close, basking in the moment. For the first time in a long time, April felt truly happy. She knew that there would be challenges and obstacles in their relationship, but she was ready to face them with Nigel by her side.

But it wasn't the last challenge she had to face before she felt comfortable again. There was one more thing she had to do.

As she walked out of Giant's hand-in-hand with Nigel, she felt butterflies flapping their bright wings inside of her. They soon made her sick as she thought about her nemesis.

It was time to take on Isaac Greenfield.


Beth typed so ferociously on her laptop that almost the whole kitchen table was shaking. April was thankful she didn't have guests because they would have been very confused at the sight of four women doing a full-blown investigation in the dining room.

"I haven't found any legislation about the pet/pack animals law they sent the letter about," Alice called out from her end of the wooden table.

April typed it out in her document of clues. It was a full page at this point, full of information regarding Isaac and his lies.

"What about you, Kellie?" April asked, looking over at the dark hair barely peeking out from the tablet in front of her.

She shrugged. "I don't see anything here about needing permits before plans are in place with a contractor or before improvements are made to the land."

April had cases like this down to a science. Her history in law seemed to be coming in more handy than she thought it would.

"Okay, that's good to know. And Alice, there wasn't anything in the papers about that law either, right?" April asked, turning to her friend, who was scrolling through pages on her phone.

She shook her head. "Nothing," Alice replied with a smirk.

"I have something!" Beth called out. "I finally got through all of the neighborhood apps, and I combed through my social media friends lists to ask if anyone else got a letter like yours. Nothing. No one else received a warning about livestock on the property."

April wanted to laugh. Isaac had underestimated her big time. He had no idea who he was fighting against. They were going to make sure her business was safe.

Thankful for her friends, April smiled up at them. They were kindly taking their evening to research a man running for mayor. And they were doing fantastic at it.

After everything he did to her, April wanted to make sure that she could tell him off. This time, she'd be prepared. Her words would win.

"Okay, let's focus on the man himself. What do we know about Greenfield?" April asked, taking charge.
