Page 60 of A Chance Fall

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"Why don't you get that and I'll clean up from dinner," Nigel suggested, still inches away from her face. She could feel his breath hot on her face and didn't want to pull away.

But she knew she probably had to. What if it was Georgia or some emergency at the bed and breakfast? "Alright, fine. But I'll be back in as soon as I'm done."

"Deal," Nigel said, raising his brows before walking into the apartment, shutting the sliding door to the balcony behind him.

April immediately felt a chill come behind her where Nigel's warm body was just seconds before. Whatever this was, it had better be important.

Alice's name popped up on her screen, and she accepted the call. "Hey, Alice, what's going on? Everything okay?"

"April, we have new information. Hold on, let me put you on speaker," she said, followed by shuffles from her setting down the phone and pushing buttons.

There was a loud echo of greetings as April recognized Beth, Alice and Kellie on the line.

"What's going on?" April asked, her heart racing with anticipation. She couldn't help but wonder what new information they had that felt like it couldn't wait.

"Kellie and I," Beth began, "were at the diner and we overheard a few people talking... It sounded like-"

"I think it was two of the Harrisons and a few of the people from the outskirts of the island, like over by seventh? Do you know that crowd?" Kellie interrupted, giving no details that could help April figure out what was happening.

"Anyway," Beth continued, clearly frustrated with the intrusion. "It sounded like Isaac Greenfield is getting some traction with people who like his ideas."

April's heart sank. She was hoping that after her threats, he would be doing worse in the polls.

But this wasn't just about his mayoral campaign. There was something else going on. All four of them knew that he would have some supporters.

There must have been something else happening. Something they were afraid to tell her.

"What kind of traction?" April asked, trying to keep the fear out of her voice.

"They were talking about him like he's some kind of savior. Like he's going to save the island from all its problems," Alice chimed in.

April felt a knot form in her stomach. This didn't sound good. "What else did you hear? What's got you all riled up?"

Everyone was quiet for longer than it felt comfortable.

"Remember that bill he was trying to make law? The one about not having any more horses on the island?" Beth asked.

"Right. That was supposed to be part of his campaign. But no one would go for that. The horses are a historic part of the island. Everyone loves them," April tried to explain. "Right?"

"That's the thing, April," Kellie chimed in. "It seems like people are starting to buy into his propaganda. People are interested in what he has to say. They were talking about getting rid of the horses. People are approving of his idea."

April felt her heartbreak at the news. The horses were one of the things that made the island special. She couldn't imagine the town getting rid of them. And yet, here they were agreeing with the guy who wanted to displace them all.

"April? Are you okay?" she heard Alice's voice say.

"Yeah, yes," she said, snapping back into the conversation. "We'll just have to fight harder. We've gotten him before, we'll get him again."

"Right," Kellie said. "We can do this."

The ladies said goodbye and hung up the phone, leaving April with her thoughts.

Isaac Greenfield said he would be back to try and beat her again. If it was a war he wanted, that's exactly what he would get.

The nerve of Isaac to try and take away the island's historic charm. The horses were a part of the island's identity, something that couldn't be replaced. And yet, people were starting to believe in his propaganda. It was up to her to make sure that didn't happen.

April knew this time it would be different. Because she wasn't by herself, she had people to support her. This time, she would have more allies, more help, more friends.

When Isaac Greenfield was ready to fight, April would be stronger than ever.
