Page 32 of Most Eligible Boss

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Finally, I felt sure she’d passed by without me being noticed. I released a pent-up sigh of relief, recognizing all too well that it was not yet safe to lower my guard.

Resolute determination guided me out of the closet and onward toward my objective. The convenience store lay just a short distance away; nevertheless, every stride felt like an eternity as I contemplated the reckless gamble I was taking on.

Upon entering the store, sheer desire propelled me toward the men’s health section. A blush of embarrassment crept across my face as I hastily snatched a box of condoms from the hanger, looking around to make sure nobody from the office was lurking close by. Memories of teenage awkwardness resurfaced as though time had folded upon itself.

Approaching the cashier, my nerves were on edge, and I couldn't shake the sensation of being scrutinized by the entire store. They all knew who I was. They all knew it was the middle of the work day. There was no way to make this purchase gracefully.

With hurried movements, I paid for the condoms, avoided any eye contact with the cashier, and practically sprinted back to the confines of the office building.

The return journey proved even more difficult as I maneuvered the now crowded with my concealed treasure. I’d forgotten an important meeting was taking place when I’d left, explaining the eerie quiet of the halls. They surely would have noticed me missing, too, meaning the odds of Jill being discovered in my office already were pretty high.

Whenever approaching footsteps reached my ears, I darted into vacant rooms with lightning agility. Each near-miss caused my heart to race, all the while knowing the woman I cared most about in the world was upstairs alone and at risk of being mortified.

Finally arriving at my office, I swiftly locked the door behind me.

I turned to face Jill, who awaited me with anticipation and impatience in her eyes.

“Did anyone come in here?” I asked.

“They knocked. I didn’t say anything.”

I nodded, then breathlessly announced, "I have them." I reached into my jacket pocket, triumphantly brandishing the box of condoms like a hard-earned trophy.

She shook her head, laughing. “What a man,” she coyly teased as she approached me, pressing her lips to mine.

Our longing for one another burned hotter than ever before. The risks we had just taken only served to heighten the intensity of our connection. At that moment, nothing else mattered but my desire to lay her down.

Within my office walls, we both were caught up in the yearning for one another. Our fervent kisses grew increasingly urgent as our hands explored each other's bodies with an insatiable hunger. The risk of being caught only intensified the electricity between us. In that moment, nothing else in existence mattered but our shared lust.

With an exaggerated swoop of my arm, I cleared my desk in a cascade of papers and office supplies that tumbled to the floor, leaving a blank surface upon which our need for one another could be fully realized. I looked over at Jill, surprised by my own impulse to make this dramatic gesture. She laughed and raised her eyebrows.

“On the desk in your office? How cliche! Let’s do this, boss,” she jokingly said as she climbed on.

She fixed her smoldering gaze on me as her nimble fingers undid the buttons of my shirt. As her hands trailed back down my body, they awakened a hunger that could no longer be denied.

I leaned into a searing kiss. Our bodies pressed against one another, the warmth of our skin stoking the flames of desire that threatened to consume us both.

Jill's hands made their way to my belt, effortlessly undoing it with a flick of her wrist. My pants fell to my feet, and they took my underwear with them. I ran my hands up her body, pushing her skirt back up and over her hips, tugging down at her panties as I slid my hands back down her legs, then back up again.

She pulled her blouse off over her head, and my hands traced every curve of her body as if committing them to memory.

As our lips met again, our bodies moved in perfect harmony. I leaned against her as I slid the condom on, then pushed inside with a moan. Her moans followed suit into a symphony of desire, each of us becoming louder and more rhythmic as feelings intensified, reaching their crescendo. The desk beneath us creaked and groaned in protest, but we paid it no mind. I gently slid my hand over her mouth in an effort to conceal our pleasure.

As Jill reached her peak, soft moans filled the room, propelling me towards my release. No longer able to hold back, I surrendered myself entirely to it, growling as I pushed into her with one final deep thrust.

As we lay entwined, catching our breath, I couldn't help but feel a peace wash over me that I had never known before. Despite the risks we took and any potential consequences that loomed ahead, in that moment, I knew I would do it all again.

We spoke about the depth of our affection for one another with a lingering kiss. Bound by feelings that transcended logic, we held each other close, and I knew our story had only just begun. I would allow nothing to interrupt the growth of our relationship. Not anymore.

But then the world came to pull us both back to reality.

Chapter Seventeen


Thegentle,comfortingradianceof the lamps on the wall behind Jeremy’s desk fell over us in an intimate cocoon as we lay intertwined. My head was on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as we both came down from climax.

Our breathing slowed, and a sense of tranquility washed over us, making everything outside the office door feel insignificant. Jeremy held me close in his strong arms, and I smiled, feeling like I was finally safe at home where I belonged- after weeks of separation.
