Page 55 of Most Eligible Boss

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I laughed, knowing she had finally cornered me on this matter.

"You know what, Jill? Fine. Go ahead and get Harry. He can stay at my place until we find a house. We’ll pay a dog walker to help out."

Her eyes lit up with excitement. "Really? You mean it?"

I nodded, feeling warmth and happiness filling my heart at seeing her so happy.

"Do the application online tonight. We’ll go shopping and get what he needs together as soon as we get home."

She reached across the table, grabbing my hand. "Thank you, Jeremy! You've just made me the happiest woman in the world."

After dinner, we returned to the cozy sanctuary of our hotel room. The day had been brimming with laughter, moments shared, and the promise of a future intertwined, leaving me without any desires unmet.

As we settled onto the bed, Jill instinctively nestled her head on my chest while my arms gently wrapped around her. It felt like we were the missing pieces of a puzzle that had finally found their place together in perfect harmony.

In the middle of our tranquility, a soft buzz came from Jill's phone on the bedside table, interrupting our quiet moment. She reached over to check the message.

"It's Aleshia," she said with a smile.

Aleshia and Jill had remained the best of friends, and seeing how happy Jill was when she talked to Aleshia made me happy. She was fitting in in the city, and the life she’d built for herself was good.

She responded to the message quickly, then laid back down, resuming her place on my chest. "You know," she said, "My mom’s birthday is next month. I considered surprising her and returning to Ohio for a long weekend. I would be thrilled if you came with me."

“Of course I will,” I said with a smile. “I promised your dad we’d go on that fishing trip next time I saw him, too.”

As the evening unfolded, we continued to talk, laugh, and share our favorite memories of the time we’d spent together. Then, that night, as we lay entwined within each other's arms, I fell asleep happy, knowing there was nobody I’d rather be spending my time with than Jill.

The following morning greeted us with the promise of a new day as we entered the crisp Boston air. A deep sense of contentment washed over me as I walked Jill to our favorite Boston restaurant for breakfast. Unlike our first meal together, Jill felt at ease ordering this time. She no longer seemed like a fish out of water. She was in her element and had fully embraced her new life and the lifestyle it came from. I was happy to see that she had gradually grown accustomed to being treated special and had gained the confidence to make her own decisions- not just order the same thing as me.

After breakfast, there was time left before we had to be at the conference, so we strolled along the picturesque Harbor, basking in the warm hues of pink and gold painted across the sky by the ascending sun. The brisk sea breeze tousled our hair, and Jill snuggled closer to me for warmth as we looked out over the ocean.

I guided us both toward a charming gazebo perched on a scenic overlook. It was a spot I had picked out on a prior trip to Boston, and I had a particular purpose in mind for it.

When we got there, I turned to face Jill with a smile.

"Jill," I said, "This past year with you has surpassed all my dreams and expectations. You’re more than I could have ever hoped for, and I want to give you every comfort you deserve. You've brought me immeasurable joy, love, and stability. I cannot imagine a future without you in it."

As I looked into her beautiful eyes, I carefully dropped to one knee; my breath hitched in my throat, and I saw tears of happiness well in Jill’s eyes.

"Jill, will you make me the happiest man in the world?" I asked. My voice trembled with raw emotion as I presented her with a small velvet box containing a diamond engagement ring.

A tear of pure joy escaped as she nodded her head. My heart overflowed with love as she whispered, "Yes, Jeremy, a thousand times yes!"

As I rose to my feet and embraced her, I knew we had just begun our eternity together. We held each other tightly, savoring the moment and cherishing the love that had brought us to that point.

Then, hand in hand, we walked from that picturesque gazebo back to the car—ready to confront whatever adventures life had in store, knowing that as long as we remained together, we could conquer anything.

With hearts brimming with love and a future full of brightness beckoning to us, we took our first steps toward our version of happily ever after.

