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Startled, I jump back—he’s built like a bulldozer.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I was looking for Laura’s trailer,” he says.

Kaiden’s name isn’t on the call sheet. The look on his face tells me this is a personal matter.

“Laura’s in the wardrobe trailer getting fitted for tomorrow’s scenes. It’s down that way.”

He smiles. “Appreciate it.”

Heavy footsteps echo in the corridor as someone approaches our direction. We both turn to see Luca striding purposefully, almost menacingly toward us. His dark brows draw together, eyes flaring as they bounce between me and Kaiden.

“Are we finished here?” Luca’s smooth baritone holds an edge.

Apprehension crosses Kaiden’s face. “I was just asking—”

Before Kaiden can finish, Luca steps between us and closer to me. His voice is cold, his eyes stern. “You can go now.”

Kaiden mumbles something before slipping away.

In the past, Luca’s fierce protectiveness made me feel safe. There’s something intimate about being shielded by someone who knows you completely. But I wasn’t in danger.

“I think you were a little too harsh on Kaiden,” I tell him, admonishing him for his extreme reaction.

His dark eyes are stern, and his jawline rigid, as if I’ve done something wrong without knowing it.

“What are you doing?” he grumbles when Kaiden is out of earshot.

“Ah… my job?” I say, unsure of what he wants from me.

“That’s not what I mean,” Luca says, his voice deep and demanding. “Why did you ignore me during the crew meeting?”

My temper rises. “I didn’t ignore you!”

I step forward but freeze when Luca crosses his arms.

“What game are you playing?” he asks, an edge in his tone I’ve never heard before. Luca’s changed. He was never this short-tempered.

“W-what do you m-m-mean?” I stammer. “I was only giving Kaiden directions.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about. Why did you ignore me during the production meeting?”

“I didn’t ignore you. Some—” I begin to explain about the glitter falling into my eye, but he holds up a hand to stop me.

“Yes, you did.” His voice rises. “When Julianna was talking to you about Scarlett. I was looking at you. You looked me straight in the eyes, flipped your hair, and turned away. Don’t deny it.”

I quickly try to find the right words to stop the tension from escalating.




I've met many beautiful women through my work, but Audrey stands apart. With just one glance from those dark eyes, she ignites a spark in the room and me.

She’s irresistible—everything about her drives me wild—her megawatt smile, sassy exterior, and the soft heart she masks underneath.

Audrey awakens a primal and intense hunger, stirring a deep part of my psyche. My body flexes instinctively like a wild beast patrolling its territory.
