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“I'll call you later,” I say, grabbing my bag.

I rush from my trailer, determined to make a professional impression on my first day.

When I arrive on set, the producer, Julianna Kensington, addresses the crew. She welcomes us but stresses that we only have one week before Christmas to film the movie. The pressure is intense.

I look around the room at the set designers, the props manager, the production designer, the assistant director, and the rest of the crew.

Everyone is focused intently on Julianna as she passes the mic to Luca. He oozes confidence, effortlessly commanding the room—a maestro in his element.

Luca's gaze seems to linger, but under the blinding stage lights, it's hard to tell. Without my contacts, everything looks hazy, forcing me to squint against a growing headache.

I pull out a notebook, doodling as I imagine what life could be like if I got my heart's deepest desire this Christmas.

Although I'm paying attention to Luca's speech, my mind drifts back to that unforgettable New Year's Eve—the night that altered my life forever.

Every detail remains crystal clear in my memory—the crowded, stuffy room and our impromptu escape to the garden. The crisp night air and serene atmosphere as we talked and laughed among the fairy-lit trees made everything feel enchanting.

When Luca asked me to teach him to waltz, I was surprised but couldn't refuse. No music played, yet the mood felt magical. Feeling inspired, I started humming a song.

With a firm grip on my waist, Luca extended his other hand in a waltz position. I slipped my hand into his, and we danced as fireworks lit the sky.

Despite Luca’s usual grace in everything he did, dancing was an exception. He kept stepping on my toes, awkward and hesitant in his movements, grappling with the dance.

The rare show of vulnerability was entirely forgotten when he gripped my waist and pulled me close. When warm, soft lips met the tender spot between my neck and collarbone—pulsing heat began throbbing between my legs.

Breathless and dizzy, I believed all my dreams were about to come true when he looked into my eyes and told me I was beautiful. He kissed me, his lips soft yet assertive, as if claiming his territory.

I felt like I was in heaven until some party guests interrupted, the moment slipping away. Afterward, we rejoined the party, acting as if nothing happened. I played along, thinking we were keeping our kiss secret until the right time.

I believed his kiss promised something more, but when it was time to leave, Luca patted my back as if we'd only shared a drink instead of a life-changing moment. Whether caught up in the celebrations or just messing around—I'll never know since he never explained his actions, leaving me puzzled.

Somehow, my parents found out about the kiss. They convinced me to do something I didn't want. Now Luca thinks I'm engaged, which wasn't true. My life spiraled downward, but I'm determined to turn things around.

Julianna’s voice slices through my daydream like a blade. “Audrey?”

My pencil stops mid-doodle. Of course, my hair chooses this moment to fall in my eyes. I toss it back, straining to focus on Julianna.

“Um, sorry, I zoned out for a sec.”

“We’re shooting a critical scene with Kane and Scarlett this afternoon,” she says, all business. “Scarlett needs to look the part, understand?”

Although I can't read Luca's expression, his gaze burns like a spotlight on my skin. I sigh inwardly, cursing my missing contacts.

“Absolutely. That's why I'm here—to make Scarlett shine.”

Ugh. It's a stupid thing to say. I don't want Luca to think I'm an airhead.

I swallow hard, pushing the lump in my throat back down. “Not that she needs help since she's already stunning,” I add quickly.

The meeting continues as Julianna runs through the schedule, assigning tasks and delegating responsibilities. After the meeting, I try catching Luca's eye, but he's engrossed in discussion with the lighting crew.

Although there's so much I want to say, the timing isn't great. He's busy, I get it—we both are.

I've made mistakes in life, but that doesn't give me the right to disrupt his. As much as I'm desperate to confess how I feel and see if we can be together, maybe I should wait. Rushing could lead to more hurt, and I owe it to both of us to handle this properly. That's assuming he isn't already in love with someone else.

Reluctantly, I make my way back to the makeup trailer.

The narrow passageways between trailers are cluttered with large boxes and props—oversized candy canes and giant snowflakes. I dodge them along the way, but in my rush, I almost collide with Kaiden Huxley, a gruff former stuntman.
