Page 107 of Moonlit Temptation

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“Yeah, he did. I passed him coming back,” I say, nodding.

Silas narrows his gaze on me. “Why were you going to her house anyway?”

I match his look with one of my own. “I just told you why. To check on her.”

“Then what happened?” Nova rushes out, anxiety bleeding from his voice.

I've wanted Evangeline Carter for the better part of eight years. I warned her once that if she gave me a taste, I wouldn't be able to let her go.

I wasn't exaggerating.

I searched for her for weeks when I woke up alone on that beach. I started thinking she was some kind of faerie, a mythical creature I dreamed up after one too many drinks.

But she was real.

And fate brought her back to me. Now that she's finally within my reach again, I willneverlet her go.

Only fate fucked me because he set her in Nova's path too. And I don't know what the fuck that means for any of us now.

He's my brother in all the ways that matter, and I don't want to cause him harm. But I'm not going to lie either.

I drag my hand across the back of my neck, glancing at my shoes. I lift my head and look at my cousin. “When I got there, she was screaming for you.”

His mouth falls open and his eyebrows fold inward. “Fuck me,” he grunts, shaking his head and swallowing thickly.

“Then I walked in, saw him standing over her with a gun in her face. I pulled the trigger before I realized what I'd done. It was unavoidable.”

“Did you recognize him?” Silas presses, stepping closer to me.

“Nah,” I say, shaking my head. “I didn't have time to search him though. I brought her here right away.”

Nova looks shaken, the skin around his eyes tight. “Did she say anything?”

I shake my head. “Just that there were three of them, came to rob her. I didn't press her though, figured getting her out before she realized what I'd done was more important. The cleanup crew will let us know anything noteworthy.”

Silas pulls his phone out of his pocket and glances at the screen. “Aye, I have to meet them in two hours.”

“I'll go,” Nova says, shoving his hands into his pockets.

“What?” Silas tilts his head to the side.

Nova shrugs. “I'll go meet the cleaners, get the report.”

Something doesn't seem right here. I watch him carefully, a knot of suspicion growing in my gut.

“I'll go with you,” I offer.

“Nah, you should stay with her, and Silas has to take Hunter home. That leaves me.”

Silas studies Nova for a beat, his gaze heavy. “You sure?”

He nods, determination thick in his eyes. “Yeah. I want to know who it was.”

Silas nods and tucks his phone back into his pocket. “Alright, but be careful. There's a storm coming tonight, and I don't love the idea of you being out there alone. We don't know if this was a coordinated attack. Or if they're watching us. Or who the fuck is behind it.” He grits the last part out between clenched teeth.

A chill rolls down my spine, but I keep that shit to myself. I've never been superstitious before and I'm not about to start now.

“Aye, I'll be fine,” Nova says with a decisive nod. He turns toward me, his eyes softening. “You stay with her, yeah? Make sure she's safe.”

“You know I will,” I tell him.

“Good news, family. She mostly likely has a mild concussion, but nothing seems broken. We'll run a few tests just to make sure. I'll go get that started and hopefully we can get her out of here before the storm hits,” the nurse says, pitching her voice louder before she leaves.

Nova beelines for Evangeline, and I watch the two of them embrace. I've never seen Nova like this with anyone before, and I can't decide if I should be worried or not.

Silas claps me on the back. “I'm going to go rescue Ma from Hunter in the cafeteria. Keep me posted, yeah?”

I watch Silas approach the other side of Evangeline's bed. He leans down and murmurs something in her ear, and she nods several times. Nova brushes a kiss across her forehead, and I watch the two of them leave.

The knot in my gut grows tighter. Something isn't right.
