Page 65 of Moonlit Temptation

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Now I'm convinced there's something in the water in Rosewood. There are far too many good-looking men walking around. Most of them seem to be tied to the Reapers, so maybe it's a motorcycle thing. Maybe that's my type and I've been going after the wrong men all these years.

Hedidn't drive a motorcycle, my mind helpfully supplies.

I shake my head, scattering all thoughts of my mystery man away. There's no place for him right now, not when I want to giveSilasall of my attention.

God, thatname. It rolls off the tongue like a prayer, and I idly wonder what it would sound like in a very different situation.

I carefully shift my weight and rest my boots on the little foot pegs. I glance from one side to the other, looking for the little bars. Isn't there supposed to be handholds on this thing too?

“You okay?” he asks, his voice low.

“Yeah, just wondering what I'm supposed to hold onto.” I'm still looking over the side, my hair falling down and blocking my vision.

“Just hold onto me,” he says gruffly, placing my palm on his side. “You'll be fine.”

I nod, gripping the sides of his shirt with both hands as he brings the bike to life. I can feel the heat of his skin through his shirt, and my fingers slide up and down just the barest inch. A jolt of electricity shoots through me, and my fingers still.

The vibrations course through us both, a steady hum that feels strangely erotic between my legs. Or maybe that's because I've spent too much time in my head lately.

He walks the bike backward until we're facing away from the garage before finally releasing the clutch and pushing off with one foot.

We crawl through the connected parking lots, slowing to a stop before the sidewalk at the garage's driveway. He drops his leg to the ground as we wait for a handful of cars coming from the left.

Anticipation brews in my gut, sending little bubbles floating through my body. I squeeze my thighs together. I adjust my hold on his shirt, and he lets out a huff.

He turns his head and grabs my hands, pulling them until they rest on his abs. “Tighter, Evangeline. Move with me. With the bike, I mean, and you'll be fine.”

I take a deep breath and nod, my chest now pressed tightly against his back.

He releases the clutch, and we pull into traffic. We cruise down the street, fast enough to feel the wind tugging my hair but not so fast where I'm clinging to his back like some kind of monkey.

I look from left to right, noticing all the people around. Rosewood is by far the most active town I've ever been in. There are always people out and about, walking downtown, playing in the parks and on the beach.

Silas's hand ghosts along my thigh, grabbing my attention immediately. He turns his head toward me. “Ready?” he asks, pitching his voice louder.


I lean in closer and splay my fingers wide over his abs. And then I try my best not to think about how it feels like he has a six-pack underneath his tee.

The engine roars as we accelerate. We turn left, away from downtown, and a moment later, the two-lane road turns into a four-lane highway.

The wind whips around us, and I feel a lightness in my chest like I haven't felt in years. The bike leans into every turn, and I can feel the power of the engine beneath me.

Laughter peals out of me like fluff from a dandelion, scattering in our wake.

“Oh my god! This is amazing,” I yell.

My smile is so wide my cheeks pinch a little. But I don't care. What's a little discomfort when you're faced with this incredible feeling?

The world around us blurs together as we fly down the highway, at least that's how it feels. I feel like I'm having an out of body experience, floating high above the ground and simply letting the winds carry me.

I watch as the trees blur together, a rolling green wave of life. And I find myself suddenly overwhelmed with gratitude.

I tuck my head behind his broad back, resting my cheek on his shoulder blade and close my eyes. Not that I can really feel him with the helmet between us.

For a moment, I forget where I am and who I'm with. I forget about my complicated relationship with my parents, and my deteriorated one with my sister. I forget that I was fired last week and that Nana Jo left me, and I've been untethered ever since.

All I know is the warmth of the body in front of me, sheltering me, and the feeling of weightlessness that makes my soul feel light.
