Page 76 of Moonlit Temptation

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In the span of minutes, I went from determined to find fault in her as a nanny to desperately hoping she's as good as she seems.



We pullup to Ma's house, more than happy to help her with dinner. I always know she's lying when she says she made too much food but I don't care. It's a little game she likes to play with me, like I wouldn't spend time with her if she doesn't twist the truth like that.

And since we need to debrief Silas and he's here, we're all eating dinner at Ma's tonight.

Bane throws the truck into park, and I'm out the door in the next second. It's not like I'm eager to detail the shitstorm we witnessed. More like, I just need to get the fuck out of a car.

The urge to get on my bike and feel the wind whip around me is strong. But my urge to eat a real home-cooked meal and crash is stronger.

I'll rally for some texting with my girl though, that's for sure.

Silas stands on Ma's porch, arms crossed tightly and legs planted in a wide stance.

“We get it, bro, you're top dog. Relax, will ya?” I call out, scoffing at him.

He's always so rigid, so serious. I can only imagine how tense he's going to be after we fill him in.

He jerks his chin toward me. “Let's talk out here.”

I climb the porch stairs two at a time. “What? Ma said dinner was ready.”

“It is, but we're talking first. I don't want Hunter to overhear anything,” Silas says, not budging from his stance in front of the screen door.

Just then, I hear Hunter's delighted squeal, coming from somewhere outside. Probably Ma's backyard, if I had to guess. That kid can turn a cardboard box and old tire into a game that keeps him on the go for hours.

I arch a brow and sidestep my brother, pulling open the screen door. “Sounds like he's outside. And I'm fucking starving. We've been detouring for far too long.”

“What happened?” Silas asks, hot on my heels.

“We followed our old protocol, made sure we weren't followed before we came home,” Bane says from behind me.

“I wondered what the hell happened. What did you find out?” Silas asks.

“We're fucked,” I quip, following the delicious smell into the kitchen.

“Seems like Savage Souls and Hell Hounds are in bed together. We need allies, Silas. And we need them now,” Bane says, his tone conveying the gravity of the situation we could be facing.

Silas exhales. “Fuck. Tell me exactly what happened.”

I tune out Bane's play by play, distracted by the woman running around the backyard with Hunter. A woman with long dark hair, a perfect ass in jean shorts, and a smile that makes my chest ache.

I blink several times, trying to clear my vision. That can't be right, can it? I mean, what would she be doing here?

My head pounds from being awake for too many hours, and I've all but convinced myself that she's not really here. She's a figment of my subconscious because she's been on my mind constantly.

“They opened fire on a decades-old neutral zone? They might as well have pissed all over the covenant all the clubs made,” Silas says.

“Aye, they were making a statement,” Bane says, glancing out the patio French doors.

I know all the sayings about fighting fair. And while I agree with the sentiment on some moral level, all that shit goes out the window the moment I'm backed into a corner.

Because the only thing more dangerous than a man with nothing to lose, is a man who's protecting his world. That man will bend every rule, cross every line, and burn the fucking world down to protect the people he loves.

And I think I could love Evangeline Carter.
