Page 77 of Moonlit Temptation

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“What's she doing here?” I interrupt, indicating the woman outside with a jerk of my chin.

Silas moves to stand next to me, shoulder-to-shoulder. “That's my nanny.”

I rear back and look at him. “What?”

Silas wiggles his shoulders a little, like he's settling into his shirt or something. “I said, that's my nanny.”

My heart stops inside my chest, the cold, slimy feeling of dread crawling through my veins. Could this all have been a play to get to Silas? It wouldn't have been the first time a girl—or a bunny—used this tactic.

But fuck me, because I never cared about them the way I already care about her.

“Since when?” I'm proud of how even my voice is considering I feel like I'm in a bad mosh bit inside.

Silas shrugs, like the details don't matter. But that asshole isn't fooling me. He's always all about the details. “Since a couple days ago, I guess. Ma hired her.” He twists to look at me. “Why? You know her?”

“Aye, I fucking know her. That's my girl.”

“Nah,” Silas says, shaking his head. His brows dip low over his eyes. “That's my nanny, man. You wouldn't know her.”

I smirk at him, letting my thoughts of just how intimately I know her play all over my face.

“She can be both,” Bane says. Silas and I both glare at him, but he's unfazed. “It's true. They're not mutually exclusive.”

Something about his tone is off and I squint to take a closer look.

“And you? Do you want to attempt to lay claim on my nanny too?” Silas grumbles.

If I wasn't watching so closely, I would've missed it. Bane smirked, it was small and quick. But there's something else going on with him, outside of the obvious house stuff.

And he hasn't told Silas yet. Which is arguably the most interesting thing.

An idea flashed like someone turned on a light bulb. I rock forward on the balls of my feet, feeling a grin spread wide on my face.

“What are you so happy about?” Silas says, his lips pursed into a frown.

“Just realized that now I'm going to get so much more time with her. So this nanny thing at our house really works out well for me,” I say around a chuckle.

“Are you forgetting you have a job?” Silas asks.

“Nah, I can do a lot from anywhere. Looks like I'm going to be remote a lot more, bro.”

“I'm paying her to nanny Hunter not flirt with you,” Silas snaps.

Evangeline chooses that moment to come inside, hollering over her shoulder, “Five minutes until dinner, Hunter.”

She turns around and sees all three of us just inside the kitchen and jumps, her body jerking in shock.

“Jesus, you guys need bells or something. You scared the crap out of me,” she says, pressing a hand to her heart and looking between the three of us. “Follow up:whatare all of you doing here?”

“You know why I'm here,” Silas says, staring at her.

She nods, holding Silas's stare. “Right.” She tilts her head toward us, like she's asking him a silent question.

Jealousy spikes inside me. I want her gaze on me. It should be on me and not him, not when we've gone days with no contact.

I step toward her. “He's my brother.”

Her attention shifts to me, and I have to fight the inclination to preen like some proud peacock who got the girl's attention.
