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My gaze snags on Daisy making her approach and I smile at her. “Ready?” I ask her.

She nods, Edie right beside her.

“You joining us?” I ask my sister.

“If you don’t mind.” She sends a scathing look toward the table she sits at most of the time, returning her attention to me. “I desperately need a new view.”

We all head for our usual table, a few guys already sitting there, eating and shooting the shit. They all greet me enthusiastically when I join them and it hits me that it’s been a while since I’ve sat with everybody. I hang out with JJ when I can, trying to make nice when I’d rather be with Daisy, so it’s not often. Lately I’ve isolated myself and it looks like they’ve all missed me.

And it feels good, being missed.

“Where have you been?” someone asks me and I glance over at Daisy, who’s sitting right next to me. Her smile is quick before she’s returning her attention to Edie, who’s talking nonstop.

“With my girl,” I admit, grabbing my cheeseburger. “I’ve missed hanging with you guys.”

“Your girl, huh?” I glance up to find Mya standing directly behind JJ. Thank God Cadence is nowhere in sight. “It’s official then?”

I meet her gaze, noting the possessive way she touches JJ’s shoulder. They’ve been looking pretty serious lately too, though he never talks about her with me. “Yeah. It is. You have a problem with that?”

“Hey. Ease up,” JJ says, his stormy gaze finding mine.

“Sorry,” I mutter, taking a big bite of my burger. It’s only because Mya’s so damn close to Cadence. I don’t trust her motives.

Don’t think I ever will.



A weeklater and I’m in the dining hall by myself, contemplating where I’m going to sit. Arch isn’t here. He went to a leadership conference with the student council in New York City for two days and I miss him terribly. He says he misses me too and texts when he can, but it’s not the same without him actually being here.

I miss him so much it’s like a part of me is lost and I’ll only be complete when Arch is back on campus with me.

Dramatic but true.

Schoolwork is keeping me busy though. My class load hasn’t let up whatsoever and I’m working as hard as I can to maintain my number one status.

Still can’t believe I surpassed Arch. Things could still change once the semester is over, but I’m feeling pretty good. Even if I’m number one for only a short time, at least I did beat him at one point during our senior year.

It feels good, being on top. Feels even better when he’s being so supportive.

He surprises me every day with the way he shows his support for me. How sweet he is. How thoughtful. Walking together in between classes while he tells me some entertaining story, greeting everyone as they pass by us. We always sit together at lunch, his chair beside mine, his claim on me clear.

Probably a tad archaic but I don’t mind. I like being claimed by Arch Lancaster.

We work together on our homework in the library after school lately, but it’s hard to concentrate when he sits so close, his leg pressed next to mine, his warmth seeping into me. That knowing look on his face just before he leans in to kiss me. Distract me…

Ugh. I miss him.

After I make myself a salad, I go in search of Edie, but can’t find her anywhere. Instead, I head for my old table for two, wishing I’d brought a book with me to keep me occupied. I’m about to pass by the table where Arch and his friends usually sit when I lock eyes with Cadence who is of course, already sitting there.

“Hey, Daisy! You should sit with us.” Her smile is sickly sweet, the gleam in her eyes not so much.

I hesitate, my gaze going to Mya, who keeps her head down, her gaze on the table. “Um, thank you, but no.”

Why am I bothering being polite toward Cadence? She’s a snake. I should avoid her at all costs.

“Oh please. You can’t say no.” Cadence kicks the chair closest to me out so fast I have to jump out of the way before it nails me in the knees. “Join us.”
