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“I have to,” she finally says on a sigh. “There’s someone better for you out there, Arch. And I don’t think it’s me. Goodbye.”

The call ends.

She’s gone.

I pull the phone away from my ear and stare at the screen like she’s going to magically call me back and yell, “got ya!”

Of course, this doesn’t happen.

Without even thinking, I throw my phone across the room. It hits the wall and bounces off, skidding across the floor and I shove my hands in my hair. Pulling.

Hard enough to make it hurt.

But I still don’t feel a single fucking thing.

* * *

I’mup at the butt crack of dawn because I couldn’t sleep and I’m striding across campus by seven-thirty, making a stop in the dining hall to pick up a coffee and a blueberry muffin. I’m starving since I didn’t eat dinner last night and I need a hit of caffeine to function.

I’m also hurt. So freaking hurt that she’d dismiss me from her life that easily. I don’t care if her dad says she can’t see me. The fact that she’s agreeing with him is what kills me.

This is some straight-up bullshit. Doesn’t she know how much she means to me? How much I need her in my life?

Fuck this. She can’t just dismiss me. Doesn’t she know who I am?

Yeah, I sound like an arrogant asshole even in my own head, but come on. I’m fucking Arch Lancaster. I run this school. Who gave her the right to just kick me aside and tell me it’s over?

The moment the thoughts cross my mind—and this isn’t the first time that’s happened either—I know it’s just my ego talking. It’s easier to be all,do you know who I am,rather than focus on the pain that’s currently growing inside me like a living, breathing thing. My heart is shriveling, shrinking in size every second that I continue to exist and Daisy isn’t mine. Pretty soon it’s going to be gone completely.

What’s crazy is I finally give it to someone for the first time in my life and she immediately throws it back in my face.

Like what the actual fuck?

My luck is for shit.

“You look like you want to kick someone’s ass.” I turn with a snarl on my face, my mood not easing whatsoever at finding JJ standing in front of me. He immediately takes a step back, holding his hands in front of him. “Damn, bro, who shit in your bed?”

Fucking disgusting, what he just said. “Bad morning,” I mutter.

“I’ll say.” He falls into step beside me uninvited. “Seriously, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” My world is just imploding. It’s no big deal. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

JJ is frowning, practically jogging beside me to keep up. “You don’t want to talk about it?”

I glare at him. “Isn’t that what I just said?”

“Yeah, yeah. Sorry, man. I just—” He clamps his lips shut, facing forward as we keep walking, heading toward the library. There’s a bench in front of the building where you can see everyone coming and going on campus. The perfect spot for me to drink my coffee, inhale the muffin and watch for Daisy.

“You just what?”

“I just…haven’t seen you look like this before.” He hesitates. “Or act like this before.”

“Like what?” I lift my head, squinting against the sun. It’s so wild how your life can take a completely different turn, leaving you ragged and questioning everything, yet the world just keeps on turning.

Life goes on. It doesn’t stop for your pain or suffering. It skips right past it, leaving you and all that pain in the dust.
