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I hate it.

“Like someone kicked your dog and killed it,” JJ says, as blunt as ever. “You’re rarely in a bad mood unless Matthews decides to give you shit.”

“For once in my life, I’m not pissed at Matthews,” I say truthfully, falling onto the bench and pulling the muffin out of the small white bag. I take a big bite and practically choke it down. So fucking dry.

“A miracle has occurred.” JJ settles onto the bench next to me, his gaze lingering on my face. Like he’s trying to figure me out. “Girl trouble?”

I exhale loudly, hating that he nailed it. “Yeah.”

“But you don’t wanna talk about it.”

“Considering you’re messing around with my ex’s best friend, I definitely don’t want to talk about it,” I say, sipping from my too hot coffee before I take another bite of my too dry muffin.

I can’t win today.

“Hey, I take offense to that. I won’t say shit to Mya if you don’t want me to. Though they aren’t as close as they were. I think Mya is sick of her shit.”

“Really?” I’m not that shocked. Cadence has treated Mya terribly for years and Daisy said something about it too.

Shit. Daisy. See how easily she returns to my thoughts? She was such a huge part of my life how can I just forget her?

I can’t.

“Yeah, she’s over Cadence. And just so you know, I consider you one of my best friends. I would never spill your secrets.” JJ actually sounds hurt.

And I immediately feel bad.

“Look, I’m sorry. I’m all wound up over this and I wasn’t trying to insult you, I swear. If Cadence ever found out I was having trouble with Daisy, she’d gloat like the bitch she is.”

“I won’t tell her anything. I won’t even mention it to Mya,” JJ promises.

“Thanks, man.” I take another sip of coffee, scanning the area for Daisy. No sign of her yet.

“Did you and Daisy break up?” JJ’s eyebrows shoot up when I glance over at him.

“She dumped me.”

JJ’s mouth drops open. “Seriously?”

I nod, a lump sticking in my throat, making it hard to speak.

“I’m—surprised.” He shakes his head. “You spent a lot of time with her. Seemed like you were into each other.”

His words make my chest ache. We were totally into each other. I was into her.

I had it bad for her.

Hell, I still do. My feelings for Daisy can’t change overnight. I’m not a fucking machine.

As if she could sense we were talking about her, Daisy appears out of nowhere, walking across campus, heading for the building where our English class is. Her head is bowed, her hair pulled back into a single braid just like she used to wear it, and it’s like what happened between us never existed.

I’m back to being me and she’s back to being the little ghost that floats around campus, everyone looking right through her.

Except for me. I see her.

“Yeah, well, it didn’t work.” I flash JJ a smile but it feels more like a baring of teeth so I let it fade quickly. “Maybe I’m not meant to be in a relationship.”

That’s a complete lie. I’m dying to be in a relationship with only one girl. She just chooses not to be in one with me.
