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I still don’t knowwhat happened to make Headmaster Matthews call my father a few days ago and let me know that my suspension was up early, but I didn’t question his decision and Matthews never offered any more information about it either. It’s almost as if he was trying to pretend the entire moment never happened in the first place, which is weird.

But I’m never one to push so I went about my business, relieved it was over.

Except for the slightly confrontational moment in English that first morning I returned to class, I haven’t really spoken to Arch again. Oh, I notice him all the time because now that we’ve had actual interactions, he’s hard to unsee. Plus, he’s in practically every single one of my classes, save for a couple. Once lunch hits and we have the two remaining periods afterward, I don’t see him for the rest of the day.

I would never admit this out loud, but I sort of miss him paying attention to me.

I know, I know. It makes no sense. I can’t stand him. He’s so entitled and arrogant and mean. What he said to me, how he got me suspended…I swear in English that morning when I came back, he was trying to tell me something, but he couldn’t come up with the right words to say it. The imploring looks and sitting extra close to me wasn’t enough to get his point across. We don’t know each other that well, and it’s not like I can read his mind.

Though it’s probably better this way, him leaving me alone. That’s what I tell myself. He hangs out with a very privileged crowd, and I’ve noticed that Cadence has inserted herself back into it. Not that she ever really left, but they did break up.

I’ve seen the two of them in the hallway walking side by side every morning for the past week. Cadence’s gaze is adoring as she chats him up, while he just stares straight ahead, the stony look on his face making me wonder if he’s even listening to her.

I couldn’t stand that. He acts like he can barely tolerate Cadence and she’s perfectly fine with it? That’s not a relationship. That’s not love.

Though what do I know about romantic love? Not like I can judge. I’ve had a few minor crushes over the years but nothing serious. I had a boy ask me to the winter formal my freshman year and I got all ready for the dance in a dress that cost my dad a lot, only for the boy to cancel at the last minute because he got sick. He was even hospitalized for a short time, he was so ill.

Some things are just…not meant to happen.

I enter the dining hall with apprehension because I hate it in there. But I’m in the mood for something healthy and the salad bar here is pretty great. Besides, I didn’t bring anything from home to eat. So here I am, clutching a tray in my hands and going down the line at the salad bar, putting together my lunch and praying no one mean looks at me or says anything rude.

And when I refer to someone mean, I’m talking about Arch or any of his friends. Mainly JJ. Though he’s relatively harmless. Truly so is Arch, at least lately. He doesn’t utter a word to me when we’re in the admin office together during second period. Vivian won’t let him. She puts him straight to work, usually enclosing him in an unused office that’s about the size of a closet, where she makes him staple papers together into packets. I’m sure he hates it.

I’m just glad I don’t have to do it. Instead, I monitor the phones while Vivian and I talk about gardening. She’s always got a few tips to offer.

God, I’m turning into an old lady. Could my life be any more boring?

It is a relief not to have him around in the office though. His mere presence unsettles me. When he walks into the admin building every morning—and he’s always late, it’s like he does it on purpose—it’s as if he sucks all the oxygen out of the space. Leaving me breathless and extremely aware of him. Everything about him. He’s so handsome I can barely look him in the eye, and he’s so tall and broad and muscular. His jawline and his eyes and basically his entire face—

It’s a problem. For me, it’s a monumental problem. I’ve never reacted to anyone like this before and the fact that it’s Arch Lancaster who makes me feel this way? I don’t like it.

At all.

“God, the tomatoes are so ugly, they look like they’ve been punched in the face,” the girl standing behind me in line mutters.

I glance over at her at the same time she looks at me and she smiles. My heart drops when I recognize her.

Edie Lancaster. Arch’s little sister.

“I don’t really like tomatoes,” I manage to say, my voice so soft she probably didn’t hear me over the noise that fills the dining hall every day at lunch.

“I do, but only if they’re fresh off the vine.” Edie wrinkles her nose. “Those look straight out of a can.”

I can’t help but laugh. “None of the vegetables in the salad bar are canned.”

“How do you know?” She doesn’t say it as a challenge. She sounds genuinely curious.

“My dad works here.” Heat creeps up my neck and into my cheeks.

“Oh, so you’re Daisy. I should’ve known.” Her smile remains friendly, as does her tone, but I don’t know.

I don’t like how she said that.

“Why should you have known?” I’m wary, my hand shaky as I reach out and grab the tongs to dump a pile of red onion on top of my salad.

“The earrings are a dead giveaway,” Edie says.

My wariness melts at her referring to my tiny daisy earrings and I offer her a smile. “My mom gave them to me.”
