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At one point, I bite her lower lip gently, sinking my teeth into the plump flesh and giving it a tug before I let it go. She darts out her tongue in return, licking at my lower lip.

Look at that. My Daze is getting braver.

“Did that hurt?” I whisper against her mouth. “When I bit you?”

“No,” she whispers back, pausing before she admits, “I liked it.”

I deepen the kiss, my tongue licking everywhere I can reach, her tongue sliding against mine. I could kiss this girl for what feels like forever and never get tired of it. But I can’t keep this up or I will end up fucking her on this table and so I end the kiss, noting the way she leans into me as I pull back, like she doesn’t want to stop.

Pushing away from the table, I rise to my full height, licking my lips. Tasting her on them. She watches me, her hungry gaze tracking my tongue and I realize she’s hot for it.

Hot for me.

“You’ve really never kissed anyone before?” I ask like a dumbass.

Her gaze narrows and she sits up, brushing the flyaway hairs away from her face. “Are you trying to accuse me of something?”

“What? No way. I just—it’s good, between us.”

How underwhelming I described what we share. It’s better than good. It’s amazing.


Her face turns redder than it already is, which seems impossible. “You bring it out in me.”

“Oh yeah?”

She hops off the table and stops directly in front of me, yanking on the end of my tie. “Don’t let it get to your head though.”

Her sassiness is a surprise and I like it. So much that when she lets go of my tie and starts to walk away, I reach out and swat her on the ass.

“Hey!” She glances over her shoulder, her eyes wide. Like I shocked her. “What was that for?”

“Your sassy mouth,” I say without hesitation. “Come on, Daze. Let’s go find those boxes ol’ Viv wants.”

We dig around among the haphazard stacks of boxes, Daisy peeking inside the unmarked ones before pushing them aside. I take them from her and restack them, my nose itching. Everything in this place is covered in a thin layer of dust and it’s stuffy as hell too. To the point that I undo my tie and shove it in my pocket. Unbutton the cuffs of my sleeves and roll them up to my elbows.

Daisy watches me do that particular task with extra interest, her gaze tracking my every movement and I’m tempted to flex just for her, but I restrain myself.


“Oh, look at this!” she exclaims when she lifts the lid on one particular box. Inside are a ton of photos, the ones on top mostly in black and white. She pulls one out, staring at it for a second before she shows it to me. “That’s out in front of the entrance.”

I take the photo from her, staring at it. The row of men standing on the steps that lead to the main entrance of Lancaster Prep. It’s from a long time ago. Late eighteen hundreds maybe? Early nineteen hundreds? The men are dressed impeccably and there’s a single woman standing there amongst the men in the middle of the front row.

“I’m related to her.” I tap the woman, showing the photo to Daisy. “She’s a great-great-great grandma. Maybe a couple more greats, not sure.”

I’m exaggerating with the greats, but I am definitely related to her.

“Wow, really?” Daisy takes the photo from me, staring at it again. She lifts her gaze to me, studying my face before she returns her attention to the photo. “You look like her.”

I scoff. “Do not.”

“Do so,” she returns, holding the photo away from me so I can’t grab it. “Face it, Archibald, you’re a Lancaster through and through.”

“Do not call me Archibald,” I threaten, my voice dark.

“Or what?” she challenges, her eyes twinkling. “What are you going to do?”
