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I feellike I’m going to throw up.

Thank God it was quiet in my last class. Advanced physics, which is such a difficult subject. Our teacher gave us free time to catch up on our assignments and ask him any questions we might have. Which was nice. I appreciated the catch-up period but oh my God, it also left me with way too much idle time on my hands and all I can think about is what’s about to unfold.

Right now.

My feet feel like I have lead weights on them as I head for Mrs. Nelson’s class. The halls are mostly empty, everyone having taken off and headed back to the dorms or they’ve gone outside or to whatever practice they need to attend.

I have nowhere to go. Well, except I’m about to meet the person who was highlighting the sexy parts in my book.

I spot Mrs. Nelson’s door, which is closed, and I stop in the middle of the hall to catch my breath, resting my hand on my stomach. It twists and turns, like I could throw up at any second and I swallow hard, trying to regain control.

This is the moment and I’m acting like I’m walking to the death chamber. It’s not going to be so bad.

It’s not.

Taking a deep breath, I drop my hand and march toward the door, looking around. I told him to wait outside but there’s no one here.

Not a single soul.

I open the classroom door, and not even Nelson is inside, which is unusual. My gaze goes to my desk—his desk—but it’s empty.

Someone—a male someone—clears his throat, and I turn around, the shock and relief I feel when I see Arch standing in the doorway nearly has me sagging.

“You’re kind of pushy.” This is all he says to me.

Then he holds up the note. My note.

“It’s you?” I breathe, staring at him in disbelief.

“Yeah. It was me.” He carefully refolds the note and stashes it in his pocket as he strides inside the room. I can see by the guarded look on his face that he’s still wary with me.

“I’m sorry for what I said earlier.” I throw it out there before he can say anything. I don’t want us to argue. “It was uncalled for.”

He shoves his hands in his pockets. “You were right.”

My mouth pops open. “Huh?”

“You were right,” he repeats. “I deserve to be called out for my shit. No one ever does that.”

I snap my lips together, listening.

“Things do come easy for me, but not everything, Daze. My life isn’t sunshine and roses. You’re the one who acts like you’re a Disney princess.”

“With a tragic backstory,” I mutter.

“Yeah. About that. You should share some of those details. If you ever want to,” he tacks on.

I should. I need to. But not right now. “Why didn’t you tell me you were the one highlighting my book?”

“I liked the mystery of it.” He shrugs. “Plus, it was a great way to pick your brain.”

“Pick my brain?”

“And see what you like.” The knowing look on his face has me blushing.

