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“Uh huh.”

Is he being purposely dense?

“She might not want me there.” I hesitate. “With you.”

“She won’t care.” He waves a dismissive hand.

“Cadence will care.” I’m a girl. A woman. I know she will care. I know she still has a thing for him. It’s obvious. “If she invited you to this party, I’m guessing she didn’t plan on you bringing a guest.”

“It won’t be so bad. Other people are going and she’ll have food. Liquor. Dr—” He snaps his lips shut, his expression one of pure innocence. I know what he was going to say.


I am not about that. I don’t really want to drink either. Alcohol and drugs alter your mind and that scares me. I don’t like the idea of losing control.

“Look, Daze. I gotta say—if we’re going to become something, then I want to bring you around my friends, you know? You should get to know them so you can hang out with us more. At lunch and whatever.” He shrugs, his expression earnest.

I know he means well. He somehow believes his friends will accept me into their fold easily and we’ll hang out for the rest of senior year. I’ll be known as Arch Lancaster’s girlfriend and I can’t lie.

That is about the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to me. He’s the most popular boy on campus and I’m an absolute nobody.

I’m also not stupid. His friends won’t easily accept me into their group. Why would they? I’ve gone to school with all of them for the last three years and they’ve barely acknowledged my existence. Why would they now? Because Arch says so?

Maybe. He does have a lot of influence…

“I want to hang out with your friends,” I say, though I’m sort of lying. “But it’s my birthday, Arch. I’d rather we spend it by ourselves.”

He’s nodding, reaching for me, pulling me into his arms and giving me a squeeze. I let myself enjoy the feel of his arms wrapping around me, cradling me tight, not caring that we’re on the edge of campus and anyone could see us.

“You’re right,” he murmurs into my hair, his voice so low it feels like it’s vibrating through me. “We’ll do something tonight. Just the two of us.”

I nod, pressing my face against his shirt, inhaling his clean, soapy scent. “Just the two of us.”

When we pull away from each other, I turn my head, spotting a cluster of girls blatantly watching us, shock registering on their faces when they realize who Arch is hugging. One of them is Mya, and standing right next to her is Cadence.

Who doesn’t look pleased.

At all.



I’man idiot for suggesting to Daisy that we should go to Cadence’s party tonight. Of course, she doesn’t want to go. What was I thinking, that Cadence would welcome Daisy with open arms and be okay with her being there? What the hell am I smoking, believing that would work out?

I’m high on my feelings for Daisy, that’s what the problem is. I’m so into her, I’m automatically believing everyone else will be into her too. Despite knowing that deep down, my friends are kind of shitty and my ex isreallyshitty and bringing Daisy to Cadence’s party would most likely turn into a complete nightmare.

No, thank you.

Instead, Daisy and I made plans to go out for dinner in the next town over. Her dad is going somewhere with Kathy tonight and she doesn’t want to run into him, not that I blame her. I’m sure it’s weird that they’re not spending this day together, but I think they’re both looking for a distraction from what the day truly signifies to them. The unavoidable sadness that comes with it. Kathy is Ralph’s distraction.

I’m Daisy’s.

And I don’t mind. Whatever distraction she needs from the reality of this day, I’m here for it. Here for her. Just thinking about what happened between us earlier, my fingers sinking inside her as I swallowed her moans, kissing her deep. Shit.

Why would I share her with others when I can keep her all to myself?

After I made her come and she was still in a blissed out, Arch-can-do-no-wrong state, she reached for me, her shaky fingers skimming across my dick, making it leap to life.
