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“Fine,” I say with a sigh. “I’ll go. But only for an hour. And we’re going early, bro. Like I said, I have plans tonight.”

JJ holds up his hand with a grin and I slap my hand against his. “Player. Getting some with Cadence first before you get some more with your mystery girl.”

“That’s not what I meant—” I snap my lips shut, realizing JJ doesn’t give a damn what I meant.

He’s already made his assumptions about me. There’s no point in correcting him.

The moment school is over I make my way to my room, sending a quick text to Daisy. We finally exchanged phone numbers when we were at her house—can’t believe it took us that long—and I want to check in with her and see if she doesn’t mind going out to dinner a little later.

Me:Can we push back our dinner plans to nine?

Can I really get out of there by nine? Probably not but I’ll try my hardest.

She responds almost immediately.

Daze:That’s so late. I’ll be starving. The eight o’clock reservation was late enough.

I come to a stop and glance around, wishing she was right here with me. I feel like a schmuck for asking her to wait.

And I refuse to be a jerk toward her on this day. It’s too momentous for her. She shouldn’t be alone.

Me:Should I change it for seven then?

Daze:If you can! That’ll give us more time to be alone after.

It’s the wordafterthat fills me with promise.

Me:Maybe we should skip dinner.

She sends a string of laughing emojis.

Daze:No. I need food to keep up my strength.

Me:Yeah, you do. What time does your dad expect you home?

Daze:He didn’t really give me a time.

Me:You don’t have a curfew?

Daze:Not really. I don’t go out with anyone to need a curfew.

This girl needs to get out more.

And I’m going to be just the guy to make it happen.

Switching gears, I text JJ next and back out of the party.

Me:I can’t make it tonight after all.

I’m almost in my room before I finally hear from my friend.

JJ:You gotta be shittin me. Cadence is going to freak the fuck out.

Me:She’ll get over it. I’m nothing special.

JJ:Not according to her.

JJ:Sure hope this mystery girl is worth it.
