Page 126 of Shattered Diamonds

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“You like, my beauty?” he asks, stepping closer to her.

I slowly push the door open further.

“Yes, I do. Do you want to know why?”

“Tell me,” he purrs, stepping closer to her.

“Because my husband will make sure you die slowly for disrespecting me by calling me anything other than Mrs. Demetri Carbone.”

My girl.

He jerks back with a raised hand ready to hit her. “Touch her and I will slaughter you where you stand.” I step into the room, flicking the switch that lights only two gas powered candelabras. The room gives off a soft ominous glow.

He turns on a dime. “Little brother,” he greets me with a sinister grin. “It’s so nice of you to finally join us.”

I glance at Haven, but my full attention is on my brother. “Hi, firefly.”

“’Bout time,” she sarcastically jokes, but I can feel her terror as if it was my own. But she should not fear him with me standing here because I am going to end him.

I give her a soft grin. I’m proud of her. She is holding it together. “Had you thought better of your well-being, Nikolai, you would have never considered abducting my wife.”

“It’s so nice to come face-to-face with a sibling that shares my full blood.”

“Can’t say I feel the same. I’m going to drain you of yours in a minute.”

“Ah.” He bobs his head. “Raised by two different parents yet both ruthless in dealings.” He shifts towards Haven. “I would not be here had you not stolen my wife out from under me.”

“My. Wife.” I step towards him.

“Yes,” he muses. “On paper. You are correct. You acquired her underhandedly. I commend you on that. Though, no self-respecting crime lord could let that go unpunished.” He jerks his shoulder. “No matter. I will bed down your widow upon your death. Right next to your dead body so she knows who owns her. I will make her the mother of my children as she was promised to me. Once satisfied, I will disregard her to the east quarters of my estate to raise my sons, only sons, and I will bed down fresh young whores. A man’s dream, yes?” He turns to Haven and runs the knuckle of his index finger down the center line of Haven’s breastbone.

My heart stops. I try to stay calm watching him, knowing I have to keep it together. He’s aware of what he’s doing. He wants me to react.

“This is between you and I, Nikolai,” I ground out, wanting to take his attention off her. My heart begins to race watching him interact with her.

“Yes, it is. Isn’t it.” He turns his attention back to me. “She’s just collateral damage.”

“There’s no way out of here.”

“But you see, that is where you are wrong.” He nods behind me. “I am not so naïve to corner myself, brother.”

“Demetri,” Haven whimpers. “Behind you.”

“Ah, and she protects her spouse as well. Good qualities when breeding females.”

“You’re a sick bitch,” I state, knowing the threat behind my back is my father. But I won’t turn around. I won’t give him the satisfaction. The emergency lights will kick on in a few minutes. The sudden change will hopefully distract him.


“It’s okay, firefly.”


“Baby, listen to me.” I connect eyes with her. “It will be okay. I promise.”

“You should not make those kinds of statements. Isn’t that right, Father?”
