Page 127 of Shattered Diamonds

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“What kind is that?” I remain facing my brother, hoping the disrespect will infuriate the man who supplied his sperm.

“False ones.”

I hear the slightest clip of nails against concrete. I shift in my spot, not because my father is still silently standing at my back, but because I need to distract them both from the incoming pain they are about to receive.

“You suggesting I willnotinflict pain and suffering upon your death, is false.”

Haven whimpers again. Her eyes shooting back and forth between Nikolai and me. I raise my hand and place my index finger over my lips, telling her to be quiet. When Nikolai looks at her, I close my eyes, hoping she will understand my instructions. I take a step to my right and give her a slight nod. When her eyes close, blocking out what is about to transpire, I boom with an order for Thor.


I hear his nails dig into the cement. Before my father knows what’s happening, he is pummeled by a hundred-and-sixty-pound beast who has been trained to protect our queen. Thor sinks his teeth into his arm and whips him to the ground like he weighs nothing. My father screams in agony. Nikolai sets his sights on Haven, now thinking that is the only way he will get out of the room. He pulls a knife from inside his suit jacket and within seconds, he slices through two of the restraints holding Haven to my cross.

I tackle him to the ground. We roll around and while I am getting the best of him, I can hear the chaos on the other side of the room. Luca is giving Thor orders in German, while Giovanni is yelling, “I need him to unlatch before he kills him.”

“Fuss!” Luca yells. “Fuss!”

Nikolai gets the best of me while I’m listening to them. The slice from his blade isn’t deep but the sting from the broken skin is real. He snarls in demonic nature, pleased with himself for cutting me.

“You ready to die, little brother?”

My last bit of distraction goes to Thor. I need to make sure no one gets by Haven. “Thor, pass auf, Haven. Pass auf!” He will guard her.

My father’s yelling stops, but his labored breathing continues. I can hear Thor crossing the room. I fight for the knife my brother has partial control of now that I know Haven will be safe. Thor will not let anyone near her. My full attention goes into fighting my brother. We struggle with each other, rolling around on the floor until I flip him and shank the knife into his side, effectively piercing his lung. He gasps for air. I pop up to my feet and cross the room. Thor lifts his bloody lip. “Fuss,” I command him to stand down. I am the one who trained him to protect her after I saw his loyalty to her. Giovanni rushes over to my dying brother. Antonio holds my father in place as he sits in the corner wheezing for breath while blood pours from his body.

I unbutton and shrug from my dress shirt as fast as I can. Luca is on his knees cutting the rope from Haven’s ankles. Once free she springs into my arms, latching her legs and around me. I try to shift the shirt over her body. The blood from her lip and chin smears across my chest.

“It’s okay. I’ve got you, firefly.”

Frantically, she helps me cover herself with my shirt. She pushes away from me when fully covered and runs across the room and slams her foot into Nikolai’s gut. When he curls in a ball and starts rocking, she kicks him again. When he straightens out, lying flat on his back gasping for air, begging for help, she spits on him and kicks him right in his groin.

My girl.

“Haven,” I call to her while she hovers over his dying body.

“Where’s the knife?” She frantically looks around. “Where is it?”

I just hold her frantic gaze when I finally capture it. There is no way I am taking the knife out of my pocket and giving it to her. Killing someone makes you hard inside. One of the reasons why I fell in love with Haven is because she is softhearted to my remorseless thick skin. I want so badly to be able to give this to her, but selfishly, when this day is done, I want the same girl back in my arms, in my bed.

“Haven, come here.” I step to her but don’t walk all the way. I want her away from my brother. Dying or not, he is still a viable threat.

“You killed my son!” My father jerks in Antonio’s arms.

“He’s not dead yet,” I snarl. “Look at him. Watch his chest. He’s struggling for air. Think about how he feels right now. He’s slowly dying in a torturous death. Something I promised him I would do.” I smile watching my father watch his oldest son. “Keep watching, old man. His last breath with come soon.”

“He will haunt you.”

“I welcome it.”

Mr. Heart chimes in from a few feet away. I didn’t even notice him in the room. He stands there with his hands in his pockets as if blood hasn’t just been shed and dead bodies aren’t lying all over the basement.

“Your son is a vile piece of shit. Just like you. By day's end, the world will be a better place without your existence.”

“Fuck you, Heart.”

Mr. Heart’s lip curls. “You remember all those years ago, that night at the club, when I promised you that I would retaliate on her behalf?” He watches the recognition hit home on my father’s face. “Today is that day. Although, it is a shame she is not here to see it happen in person. What I am sure about is that she is still here in spirit, though. Because there is no way that woman would leave her son’s side. I’m sure she will have no problem showing you where to enter the gates of hell.”

“Like you’re a better man,” he spits. “I’ll see you there, Heart.”
