Page 2 of A Prague Noel

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Willow laughed.

“How did you see that picture, anyway?” I asked.

“Mal Martin—you know that influencer friend of mine? She follows Kissy Kate for some reason, and she recognized Charlie. Texted it to me asking if it was him.” She shrugged. “The tiny online world.”

“Have I mentioned how much I hate social media?”

“A time or two. But hey, forget Charlie! He’s an ass, and you’re off to Prague for two glorious weeks. And atChristmas.How freaking romantic is that?”

I sighed. “I guess. Yeah, I know.”

“Try to sound a little excited. Remember to have some fun, okay?" She shook the snow globe at me again.

I swatted her hand and the snow globe away but laughed anyway. “You know it's not a vacation, right? This hotel project is a big deal."

She plopped down at the kitchen table and took a long pull from her coffee. “All work and no play is not a good look for anyone.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “If you’re about to give me some platitudes about deathbed regrets, please stop. That’s what myDaily Stoicis for.”

She grinned. “Never. But maybe save time for a little Prague fling, at least. Now that Charlie is out of the picture.” She shimmied her shoulders. “Heisout of the picture, right?”

I pictured his hand on Kissy Katie’s gilded backside and cringed.

“Yeah. Safe to say the picture has been burned.”

“Then fling away!”

I rolled my eyes, deflecting her teasing with practiced ease. "In between saving historic hotels and navigating cultural intricacies, right."

“Come ON, Sienna. Prague during Christmas? Think of the markets and the carolers and the hot wine. It’s basically a Hallmark movie already written for you to step right into the leading role.”

“Since when do you care in the slightest bit about holiday romance and Hallmark movies? That’s not on brand.”

Willow ran a popular ghost-hunter podcast that was all dark and spooky and about as far from sappy holiday romance as you could get.

She shrugged. “I have my moments. Mainly when I’m insanely jealous of your trip. You know I’m obsessed with Eastern Europe. Do you have any idea how many gothic castles and vampires are in that part of the world?”

“That’s more like it.” I pointed a finger at her. “If I meet any, I’ll be sure to give them your number.”

“You better.” She smiled. “Can I help you do anything?”

I sighed, looking at my half-packed suitcase. “Sooth my nerves.”

“Hey, you’re going to do great. There is a reason Billy Bob is sending you on this trip.”

I smirked at her nickname for my boss, William Roberts. “I guess.”

“No. No guessing. You are the best at what you do. So, fly across the world and march into that hotel and tell those people how selling their generation’s old family hotel to a major American hotel chain is the best thing for them.

“Is that supposed to be helpful?”

“See? That’s why it’s your job and not mine.” She hopped up. “Ok, I have to run. I have an interview across town in an hour. You going to be ok?”

I smiled. “I am. Thank you.”

“I expect 24/7 texts about everything that’s happening. Ok?”

I watched her leave, the remnants of her musky perfume and optimism lingering like a promise. I stepped in front of the mirror. I adjusted my blazer and smoothed my favorite anti-wrinkle linen travel pants. My reflection stared back, poised and professional. I pulled my honey-blonde hair back and secured it into a low bun, then did a final touch-up on my makeup. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my suitcase, the wheels clicking decisively against the hardwood floor as I stepped out, locking the door behind me. Prague awaited, and with it, the promise of a huge promotion.

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