Page 40 of Ryland

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“Say the words. Tell me to keep going.”

“Keep going!” She shouted the words and he laughed at her boisterous encouragement.

“Just making sure you’re good,” he murmured and pressed a kiss to her lips. He began to move his hips, thrusting, sliding his cock in and out. The sweet friction kept building, deeper and harder, until their bodies were slick with perspiration and moving in unison.

Although Harper wasn’t a virgin, she was in new territory. With every movement, every stroke, every whispered endearment, Ryland was stripping away old insecurities and giving her a newfound confidence and freedom, something she’d always lacked in the bedroom.

And it felt amazing.

Giving herself over to sensation, offering herself to him completely, Harper willingly soared off the edge of the cliff and shattered in orgasmic bliss.

Chapter Thirteen

The moment Harper came undone, Ryland lost the little bit of control he’d managed to hang on to. His body shuddered hard above her, and he let out a long, primal groan as his release tore through him.

“Fuuuck…” He dropped down beside her with anoomphand it took him a moment to regroup. What in the hell just happened? Staring up at the ceiling, Ryland could only blink as he came down from the best sex he ever had. Unable to move, completely caught off guard, he enjoyed the final few spasms of pleasure that rolled through his body before slipping out of bed and getting rid of the condom.

Once he returned, he pulled Harper into his arms and pressed a kiss to her wild, blonde waves. She cuddled closer and he immediately knew he could get used to this. Drowsiness fell over him and tropical vanilla filled his senses as he drifted off.

It felt like he’d only been asleep a couple of hours when his phone started buzzing, rousing him from the deep, comfortable sleep. The best sleep he’d had in a while. Yawning, he reached over and grabbed the phone off the nightstand, a little startled to see it was already seven a.m. The military had made him a morning person and, normally, he was up before seven. Glancing over at Harper, stretched out beside him, he knew why he’d been sleeping so soundly. It was because of her.

Everything about her felt right. No other lover had ever given him such a sense of contentment. It left him a little out of sorts and had him picturing things he usually didn’t—marriage, kids, a future.

And that was dangerous territory for a guy like him who lived from mission to mission with no guarantee of returning. Plus now there was the extra added chaos of being hunted by The Agency.

Pulling his attention off her and to the reason he was awake, he opened the text from Banshee. After reading it, he bolted up, hopped out of bed and threw on a t-shirt and cargo pants. He used the bathroom quickly and returned to the bedroom just as Harper started to stir in the bed.

Her eyes fluttered open and her voice was thick with sleep. “What’s going on?”

“Banshee decrypted part of the list.”

“For The Agency?” She sat up, pulling the sheet under her arms, and Ryland took a moment to admire her cute bed head and sleepy eyes.

“Yeah. I’m going over to his bungalow now. Sleep in, if you want.”

“I’ll come over after I get dressed. You think there’s anywhere around here to get coffee?”

“Don’t worry. Bruja will already have it hot and waiting for us. She can’t survive without it.”

“Good to know.”

Ryland paused, soaking in the blonde beauty he had gotten to know quite well last night. Her shapely calf was peeking out from beneath the sheet and the sight of her cleavage made his mouth water. In three steps, he reached the bed, dropped a knee on the mattress and leaned over. He cupped her face and kissed her, forcing himself to pull back before he lost sight of his mission and devoured her.

“Good morning,” he murmured, thumbs circling her cheekbones.

She blinked sleepily several times and gave him a lazy smile. “Good morning.”

“I’d love to spend the day in bed with you,” he said and dropped a kiss at the corner of her mouth, “but we’ve got work to do.”

“Raincheck?” she asked, eyes twinkling.

“That’ll be a hell yeah,” he growled. He started to get up then said, “Fuckit,” grabbed her face again, and kissed the shit out of her. She was irresistible and he was having a hard time leaving her.

Ryland never found it difficult to jet after sex—there was usually a trail of smoke in his wake—but he found himself lingering with Harper. With her, he wanted…more.

Finally, she broke their kiss and frowned. Covering her mouth, she said, “I have gross morning breath.”

“No. You’re perfect.” He trailed a finger along the top of the draping sheet, skimming over the plump curve of her breast. “Last night was perfect.”
