Page 37 of Love Puck

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“Congrats, man.” Trey approached with two pop cans in his hands. He handed one to me. I took it gratefully and drank half of it right away.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “Thanks. I didn’t expect to come home to this.”

Trey opened his pop and took a few swallows. “We take our pets pretty seriously around here.” He bumped his elbow against my arm. “And you did a really good thing by picking Wyatt.”

I finished off the cola and shook my head. “Nah, he picked me.”

We joined the party, where Wyatt was given all kinds of love and attention. As well as gifts.



Beau and Gigi even gave him a huge dog bed.

Wyatt was in new-old dog delight with all of it.

Later on, when I was finally filling my plate at the food table, Gigi came up beside me. “Wyatt’s such a good boy. Do you want us to take him to doggie daycare in the morning?”

I grabbed some watermelon and said, “How about I follow you there? I’d like to drop him off myself for the first while.”

Gigi’s face got all soft and dreamy. “You are such a good dog-daddy already.”

I chuckled at that. “I’m not sure about that, but I’ll give it a good try. And thanks for the party. It was nice of you.”

Gigi’s grin grew. “That was mostly Jillian. But you know we chipped in as soon she told us you’d adopted Wyatt.”

There was cheering going on, so we both looked over and saw Wyatt with a large stuffed monkey in his mouth.

“Aww, he’s seriously cute. You’re so lucky,” Gigi said, clearly enamored with my new-old dog. I thanked her again for helping put all of this together. And then I went to sit down among the partygoers.

An hour or so later, Beau and Dr. Barnes showed up. They walked through the iron gate, both of them wearing large smiles.

“Hey, there he is.” Lexi nudged Gigi’s leg.

Gigi looked up from her phone. She’d been trying to text Beau for a while now, but he wasn’t answering.

“Oh, good,” she said, and then her eyes opened wide. And her mouth formed a perfect ‘O.’ “Oh, my gosh. What is that he’s carrying?”

My eyes dropped down to the pink carrying case in Beau’s hand.

Lexi gasped. “Do you think he—” she started to say, but Gigi was already running toward her fiancé.

Beau stopped walking and held up the case. There seemed to be a small window on the front, and Gigi looked inside.

And then her arms rose to the sky as she excitedly jumped up and down. Even if I spoke French, I didn’t think I’d be able to understand one word of what she said.

But anyone watching could see how thrilled she was. Gigi wrapped her arms around Beau’s neck and gave him a kiss.

A really great fuckin’ kiss.

After that, she let him go and opened the pink carrying case—and pulled out a small, white kitten.

“Oh, my gosh, he did it,” Lexi said in a whispered voice. “He’s just the best.”

Trey frowned at his wife, apparently taking offense. “I told you we could adopt whatever you wanted.”

Lexi snapped out of her haze and looked at her husband. “Oh, yeah, I know. It’s just—”
