Page 48 of Love Puck

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I loved Johnny Reid.

Almost as much as I loved Jillian.

I belted out his song, “A Picture of You.”

It never got old.

I always got goose bumps whenever I sang these lyrics.

It so clearly described everything I felt for Jillian.

Everything I wasn’t allowed to feel for Jillian.

It was a song about memories.

And stolen kisses—and stolen hearts.

Mostly, it was about how little fucking time we really have here.


Fucking memories were all I had of my time with Jillian.

All I’d ever have.

She’d never be mine.

The whole bar was so quiet, I knew all eyes were on me. And that suited me just fine.

I knew I could sing the fuck out of this song. Because I felt every goddamn word.

I’d lived every word.

After the last chord, I grabbed my whiskey and downed the entire glass. I’d been here for what felt like hours.

I should get up.

I should go home.

I should forget about Jillian.


I should do a lot of fucking things.

Instead, I let my fingers find their places, and I started playing Johnny Cash’s, “She Used to Love Me a Lot.”

Because I swear to God—Jillian used to love me. I thought she still did.

When I looked in her beautiful eyes—I saw love staring back at me.

But it wasn’t.

She didn’t love me anymore.

If she ever did.
