Page 59 of Love Puck

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Cash loved his mom.

Whenever he talked about her, he got the sweetest look on his face. And when I met Heather, I knew why. She was a strong, intelligent woman. She was also kind and loving.

It wasn’t hard to figure out why Cash was who he was. With Heather as his mom—he had no choice but to grow up to be a wonderful man.

And I loved that for him.

The bond they still had made my heart happy.

Having to leave Cash was horrible. I’d never get over what I’d done to him.

Having to leave Heather behind—well, that sucked, too. Majorly. I still felt that loss. She and I had really connected during our visit.

Oh, well.

That was life for you.

I shrugged and grinned at her. “My closet is pretty full as it is.”

Her gaze held mine in the mirror. “Alright, go change. And then we’re going out for lunch.” Her hands grasped my arms. “We need to talk about you and my son.”

Oh, crap.

“Thank you again for the clothes. You really didn’t have to do that,” I said to Heather while the server filled our water glasses. Of course, Heather would choose one of the best restaurants around for a quick lunch. Crisp, white, cloth napkins. Fresh flowers in a small vase on each table.

Heather Clemens was pure class.

“I wanted to, Jillian. You’re welcome.”

We both thanked the server, and he left.

“I’ve missed you, sweetie.” Heather reached over and put her hand over mine.

“I’ve missed you, too,” I said truthfully.

Her eyes scanned my face. “I told you that even if things didn’t work out with Cash, that I wanted us to keep in contact.”

My stomach got all twisty and weird. “It just—didn’t seem like the right thing to do. After—” I couldn’t finish that sentence.

Because there was just too much that happened—after.

“I meant what I said about staying in contact with you. And I also meant what I what I said about investing in your bikini line.” Her hand squeezed mine a little bit tighter. “I left messages.”

I bit my lower lip and let my gaze fall to the table. “I’m sorry. I wanted to call you.” I peered over at her. “But I couldn’t.” And that was also the truth. The loss I’d felt when I had to let her—and Cash—go was too big. Anything I could do to avoid thinking or dealing with that situation—I did.

And keeping Heather in my life—without Cash—well, that wasn’t possible.

She let go of my hand and nodded. “You know I can help make your business soar. I was serious about that offer. And I still am.” Heather sat back in her chair and picked up her water glass. She took a sip from it, making the ice inside clink together. “Even if you and Cash aren’t together.”

Having Heather Clemens behind you on a business deal would be—amazing. She was a real force of nature in the business world. If you wanted to know how to get something done, you called Heather.

“Jillian, you know I’ve been playing with the big boys for years now. I can separate business and family. If I didn’t believe in you and your product—well, I wouldn’t have said a darn word about it.”

I picked up my glass and took a quick drink. “I don’t know what to say.”

She set her glass down and looked at me for a moment. “Then think about it.”

I nodded. “Thanks, I will.”
