Page 63 of Love Puck

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The offended look on his face changed to anger. “It looked otherwise on the show. I think you’re lying to me.”

I shook my head again and felt my guts twist.


I’d never wanted to pound someone into the ground more than I did at this moment. “You know what? I don’t give one fuck what you think. I know the truth.”


I sure did.

I took a few steps to the iron gate and opened it, wishing I was miles away from this place. Like at my cabin. Where no one else was.

Out in the fresh, cool mountain air.

Where the only predators I had to deal with were mountain lions and bears.

“Cash,” Stuart yelled, but I didn’t turn around. “Things better stay that way!” he hollered from behind me.

And it took every ounce of control inside of me—not—to turn back around and pound him into the pavement. “Fuck off,” I muttered under my breath as I stormed off toward my truck. I pulled my keys out and clicked the doors open.

“What happened?” I heard Jillian’s breathless voice ask behind me.

I was in no mood to deal with her. And there were cameras watching. “Go ask your fiancé.” I kept walking at a fast clip and hoped she’d give up. At the moment, I needed to get the hell out of here.

“Cash, would you stop for a minute?” she asked in a louder, more demanding tone.

But I wasn’t about to get in trouble again.


I held my tongue and didn’t reply.

After I rounded my truck, I opened the door and slid inside. Then I took a deep fuckin’ breath. Thirty more seconds and I’d be out of this parking lot—and away from the cameras.

And Jillian’s fiancé.

And Jillian.

“What the heck just happened?” My head snapped to see the passenger door open. And Jillian frowning at me.

As though I’d done something wrong.

“Go back to your fiancé,” I said in a low voice as I narrowed my eyes at her, “now.”

Instead, Jillian rolled her eyes and jumped into the seat. She slammed the door and turned to me. “What is going on?” The way she stared at me—fuck. Her eyes were full of concern.

Or at least that was what I thought I saw in them. But when it came to Jillian, my radar was obviously off a few degrees.

I tried to take a calming breath.


Didn’t work.

I turned to Jillian. “Your fiancé just asked me if we were fucking.”

Her eyes nearly fell right out of their sockets. “Oh, shit,” she whispered, barely moving her lips. Then her front teeth bit into her bottom lip.
