Page 64 of Love Puck

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“Yeah, shit,” I repeated back to her. “You need to go back and—” I started saying, but I could tell Jillian wasn’t paying attention to me.

She cut me off, and asked, “What did you say?” Her eyes held mine, and I wasn’t sure if she was even breathing.

“I told him we weren’t.”

Her shoulders went slack, and she leaned back against the seat. I loud exhale came out of her mouth, and she took some deep breaths after that.

“Because we aren’t. Not anymore, Jillian.” My voice was firm and authoritative.

At least, I hoped it was.

Her eyes—her watery eyes—found mine. “Cash, I—”

This time, I didn't let her speak. “I’m serious. I can’t do this again. If someone catches us, our reputations will be—”

Jillian’s hand reached out and touched my arm. “No one will catch us.”


The feel of her touch and the look in her eye—I was such a fuckin’ sucker. If it wasn’t bright daylight outside—and if there weren’t a couple dozen people outside in the courtyard—I’d probably—


I had to stop this.


“Jillian,” I leveled my gaze at her, “we’re done. This is done. You’re marrying that fucking—” I raised my hand and shakily pointed out the window.

I exhaled and dropped my hand. “Just go.”

She pursed her lips together. “He’s leaving in the morning. And who knows when he’ll be back again?”

I shook my head and looked out the side window for half a minute or so. Then I peered back at her. “Maybe you’ll see him at your wedding?”

Her expression fell, and those beautiful eyes of hers got even wetter. Jillian nodded as her hand reached for the door handle. “Have a nice life, Cash.”

I let out a sarcastic laugh. “Yeah, you, too, Jillian. I hope you have a real nice fuckin’ life.”


Her eyes traveled all over my face. “I mean it. I hope you have the best life. You deserve it.” Her voice hitched on that last part before she practically ran out of my truck and shut the door.

“What the fuck?” I asked myself while I watched Jillian slowly shuffle back to the iron gate.



Just like Jillian said, the douche canoe went home the next day. But not until after a heck of a fight, apparently.

I hadn’t been around for it. But that was all anyone was talking about.

In the courtyard.

And at the rink.

I had to physically stop myself from running over to Jillian and asking what that idiot said to her. Everything in me needed to know she was okay.
