Page 77 of Love Puck

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My sister and brother—and his current woman of the week would be there as well.

As would Beau, Gigi, and his twin boys.

Oh, and Gigi’s mom and stepfather.

And because the universe hated me—Jillian and her douche canoe were attending.

A couple of weeks ago, the owners had called me in for a meeting. My agent showed up, too. I was told in no uncertain terms that I’d be spending the holidays at Lexi’s parents’ house.

This did not impress me.

Not one bit.

I already had plans to be at my mom’s place. And then take a day or two at my cabin. By myself. I needed that so much.


My fucking soul needed that so much.

This whole season had felt like one big roller coaster.



More ups.

More downs.

And then a leveling off, which had me constantly on edge.

Waiting to see if I’d be going back up.

Or further down.

So, the thought of spending the holidays—not—at my mom’s—or at my cabin—made me want to jump off that fuckin’ roller coaster and finally get my feet on solid ground.



Not only was I ordered to go to Lexi’s parents’ house, but I was also ordered to bring a woman. A fake girlfriend.

Because—and this was the last thing they told me—Jillian was bringing her douche canoe.


I was going to be under the same roof as Jillian and her fiancé.

After my head exploded, and after I exploded, they explained that I had no choice in the matter. The cameras would be filming for the show.

And this would forever put an end to the debate about whether Jillian and I were an item.

Because I’d be there.

With Jillian and her douche canoe fiancé.

Under the same roof.
